GOP Presidential Hopeful Carson Discusses Constitution and Same-Sex Marriage

That’s the basic message behind “A More Perfect Union,” a book that author Ben Carson hopes will tell his reader, as the subtitle puts it, “what we the people can do to reclaim our constitutional liberties.”

Carson admits up front he’s no constitutional scholar. His expertise and most of his fame come from being a pediatric neurosurgeon, although his conservative political views have propelled him to the forefront of the GOP presidential race. But while surgery is complicated, Carson views the supreme law of the land as sublimely simple.

“That’s the wonderful thing about the Constitution, it’s written in a way that people can understand,” Carson said in a phone interview with the Herald. “There are those who want you to think it’s so complex you can’t understand it, but if you read it, it’s written at an eighth-grade level” . . .

Carson is adamantly opposed to the Supreme Court’s June decision legalizing same-sex marriage across the country, ruling that the equitable application of marriage law is a question of “equal protection of the laws” under the Fourteenth Amendment. But the doctor says the people’s vote in states that had banned recognition of gay marriage shouldn’t be ignored by federal courts.

“The reason we address civil issues at the state and local level is because it’s a question of lifestyle,” and local officials will be more in tune with locals’ views on such sensitive issues than federal ones. “They can decide what’s most compatible with their belief system, and someone else shouldn’t impose their will on them.” (Read more from “GOP Presidential Hopeful Carson Discusses Constitution” HERE)

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