5 Selfless Acts of Christmas Charity That Will Make You Cry Tears of Joy

Here are five stories of the most powerful acts of charity this Christmas season.

1. 5-year-old boy gives a homeless man a gift, and receives one in return

Five-year-old Dylan Hurt from Seattle wanted to help the homeless. So, with his dad’s help, he gave a man living in one of Seattle’s tent cities a one hundred-dollar bill, Q13 Fox reports.

The homeless man thanked Dylan with a hug … and with his own gift in return — a skateboard! The experience was so positive for young Dylan that he wants to continue the charitable acts.

2. 8-year-old boy gives up birthday presents to donate to Akron school

Second-grader Colin Roubic told his parents he didn’t want any presents for his birthday. Instead, Colin asked for footballs, soccer balls, basketballs, kick balls, and jump ropes to donate to the Akron Public School system, so other kids may play.

“I have lots of stuff and other people don’t, so I wanted to donate something,” Colin told News 5 Cleveland. That is the picture of charity.

3. Doctors said young girl would never walk. Now she runs to bring Christmas gifts to needy children

Faith Russell was born with spina bifida and doctors feared she would never walk. But the 10-year-old girl beat the odds, and now runs monthly 5k races. She invites everyone to come and see her race, but on one condition: They must bring shoe-box supplies for Operation Christmas Child.

NBC News reports that Faith and her donors filled 500 shoe boxes with supplies for needy children last year. This year, her goal was an ambitions 20,000 boxes. “Wow, we have been working for at least eight weeks, three to four days a week,” said Faith’s mom, Robin. “It has taken a village.”

Faith exceeded her goal, packing an amazing 20,001 shoe boxes for needy children all around the world.

“I just want to let them know that they are not forgotten,” Faith said. “And that they’re loved.”

4. 9-year-old student mows lawns to buy presents for strangers

Charles Howard is doing what many young entrepreneurial kids do — mowing lawns for an extra buck. But he’s not keeping the $10 he makes for every yard for himself.

No, Charles is laboring in order to buy “dozens” of Christmas presents for less fortunate kids in his community. “They’re going to a Toys For Tots place,” Charles told Tampa’s WTSP. “It feels really good inside. It makes my heart feel really good.”

Charles’ mother set up an Amazon wish list for anyone who wants to contribute to Charles’ mission.

5. Secret Santa pays off $46K in layaway items at a Pennsylvania Walmart

A small Pennsylvania town of about 1,700 people recently received a big unexpected Christmas blessing.

Walmart store manager Ryan Kennedy received an anonymous phone call from “Santa B.” On that phone call, the mysterious stranger told Kennedy he wanted to pay off all the Everett store’s layaway accounts, which allow financially strapped customers to pay off items over time. Santa B’s check came out to be over $46,000 for the 194 people with layaway accounts.

“It was complete disbelief,” Kennedy told CNN. “It was definitely a great gesture. I was completely shocked.”

Tearful shoppers wanted to know who the donor was to express their gratefulness, but the secret Santa remains secret. (For more from the author of “5 Selfless Acts of Christmas Charity That Will Make You Cry Tears of Joy” please click HERE)

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