Where is Our Amnesty?

Photo Credit: APNow that Obama thinks he has successfully remade the American economy and permanently transformed the relationship between the citizen and government, he is working on restructuring society itself. He plans to move on from Obamacare to immigration deform.

Conservatives must ensure that the focus remains on Obamacare. No immigration-related legislation. Period. The idea that we can craft a positive bill with Obama in the White House, irrespective of your view on the issue, is absurd.

However, there is one thing we can learn from the immigration debate. Almost every supposed precondition for amnesty and the pathway to citizenship under the Senate bill is subject to suspension for humanitarian purposes, to ensure family unity, the public interest, or personal hardship.

So given that so many of us will lose jobs, suffer from reduced income, lose our health insurance and access to doctor, pay unaffordable premiums, and lose our self-respect, where is our amnesty? Where is our waiver for purposed of hardship, family unity, and humanitarian concerns?

Are we less valuable than illegal immigrants? Evidently so. To make matters worse, illegal immigrants are still receiving $4.2 billion in refundable tax credits from the same IRS that is taxing our health insurance.

Read more from this story HERE.