Is Obama Accelerating the Collapse of America?

Photo Credit: APIn my latest book, “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide” released in Spring 2013, I called Obama a “stealth Marxist” out to destroy capitalism and make Americans dependent on government.

This wasn’t just guesswork. Obama and I were classmates at Columbia University, where we were taught how to overwhelm the system until the economy collapses with spending, debt, and entitlements. In my book, I called Obamacare the perfect “Trojan Horse” that would make it all happen.

Have you paid attention to the Obama news of the past week? It’s amazing. It’s mind-boggling. It’s unimaginable. It was a week of unimaginable destruction.

The cloak is off. Obama is no longer hiding his plans to destroy America. For anyone who isn’t blind, deaf or very dumb, it’s now all out in the open.

The news of this past week proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Obama is accelerating the destruction of America. Why the sudden rush? Obama and his Marxist cabal see the writing on the wall. Their internal polls show they are headed for a landslide defeat in November. Now that the disastrous effects of Obamacare are clear for the voters to see, they know Democrats are about to be destroyed at the polls.

Read more from this story HERE.