McConnell and Begich Rank in the Top Ten Receivers of Lobbyists’ Money; See the Others
Photo Credit: Open SecretsIt seems a lobbyist’s work is never done.
You have to know policy, wrangle with legislative language, persuade important people of the rightness of your cause, market yourself to clients. And then, for many on K Street, there’s another key part of the job: pulling out your checkbook. Federal lobbyists are often campaign contributors, too — sometimes offering, sometimes responding to not-so-subtle requests.
And the sums can be large. In fact, the 25 lobbyists who have given the most to political campaigns in the first half of the 2014 cycle have combined to give a total of $1.85 million. Whether they give strategically or out of partisan passion depends on the donor, but there’s little doubt that their generosity can play a role in wedging doors open in congressional office buildings.
Or, as sixth-ranking lobbyist-donor Ben Barnes put it, “I think anyone could be sanctimonious and say they’re donating for the love of their country, but how you make a living has something to do with it.” Barnes, whose clients include Texas A&M University, Texas Gulf Energy and Huntsman Corp., has long been a fixture of Democratic politics in Texas, and is a top bundler for congressional campaigns. So far in this cycle, he has given out about $79,000.
Lobbyists rank 13th among all interest groups in contributions so far in the 2014 campaigns, a jump from 22nd at the end of the 2012 cycle. Individual lobbyists contributed far more than lobbying firms’ PACs — 22 times as much.
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