Boom: Harry Reid Tried To Silence Ted Cruz And It Completely Backfired In His Face

Photo Credit: Center for American Progress Action Fund (Flickr)

Photo Credit: Center for American Progress Action Fund (Flickr)

A Senate debate between pro-amnesty Democrats and Republicans who favor a secure border continued Thursday when Majority Leader Harry Reid trashed Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s latest proposal.

The Texas Republican is pushing a bill that would end the de facto amnesty Barack Obama extended in 2012 to illegals who arrived in the U.S. as minors.

While Obama’s unilateral move resulted in deferred action in the case of illegals under a certain age who crossed the border as a child and maintained certain requirements while living in the U.S., Cruz contended that this policy has attracted the tens of thousands of Central American minors currently flooding the Mexican border.

In his response, Reid suggested that the executive order automatically legitimized these illegals, making them impervious to deportation efforts.

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