Jon Voight Lashes Out Against Obama In Lengthy Televised Statement

Photo Credit: Hollywood Reporter

Photo Credit: Hollywood Reporter

In remarks framed as a message to the American public, actor Jon Voight emotionally aired his political grievances for several minutes in a televised statement on Saturday.

Those grievances range from (but are not limited to) Benghazi, the IRS scandal, the “targeting” of conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, illegal immigration, the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court case, the treatment of war veterans, the chaos in Iraq and deep reservations about President Obama.

“Five years ago, I stated that Obama would take the country apart piece-by-piece, that he would cause a civil war in this country,” Voight read on Saturday in a statement on Mike Huckabee’s Fox News show. “In hindsight we can see how many things have come to pass.”

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