Shocking Question: Is it Now OK to Have Sex with Animals?

Photo Credit: iStock

Photo Credit: iStock

I have a very 2014 question for you: How would you respond if you found out that a man living down the street regularly has sexual intercourse with a horse?

Would you be morally disgusted? Consider him and his behavior an abomination? Turn him in to the police? (This would be an option in the roughly three-quarters of states that — for now — treat bestiality as a felony or misdemeanor.)

Or would you perhaps suppress your gag reflex and try hard to be tolerant, liberal, affirming, supportive? Maybe you’d even utter the slogan that deserves to be emblazoned over our age as its all-purpose motto and mantra: Who am I to judge?

Thanks to New York magazine, which recently ran a completely nonjudgmental 6,200-word interview with a “zoophile” who regularly enjoys sex with a mare — unironic headline: “What it’s like to date a horse” — these questions have been much on my mind.

They should be on yours, too.

Because this is a very big deal, in cultural and moral terms.

Read more from this story HERE.