Billy Graham Reminds Americans of Their ‘God-Given Responsibility’
Americans should use their “God-given responsibility” and vote this November, the Rev. Billy Graham said in a call to action published on the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association website.
In a Q-and-A format, Graham responds to a questioner who voiced a common thought heard across the nation as elections approach.
“I’m sick of politicians and political campaigns, and I’ve decided I’m not going to vote this year. It wouldn’t do any good anyway, because just one vote won’t make any difference. Why bother?” asked the questioner.
Graham met the question head-on.
“Let me ask you a question: What would happen to our nation if everyone decided not to vote? You know the answer — before long we’d lose our freedoms and be ruled by a power-hungry dictatorship,” said Graham.
“No system of government is perfect, including ours. But all it will take to make it collapse is an indifferent citizenry,” he wrote.
“But I also urge you to vote for another reason: I believe it is a God-given responsibility,” he wrote.
Graham noted that even amid the governmental and political shortcomings of the Roman Empire, Jesus preached that everyone had a responsibility to be good citizens.
“He said, ‘Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s’ (Matthew 22:21). The same principle is true for us today: We should do everything we can to encourage and support good government — including voting,” Graham wrote. “Understand the issues…know where the candidates stand on them…ask God to guide you — and then vote.”
Graham said a Christian’s responsibility does not end there.
“Beyond that, however, pray for our nation and its leaders — not just the President, but all who’ve been entrusted with public office. It’s the most important thing you can do,” he wrote. (For more from the author of “Billy Graham Reminds Americans of Their ‘God-Given Responsibility'” please click HERE)
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