China Is ‘Sticking’ to the Paris Agreement in Name Only, Its Plans Show a Much Different Intent

As President Donald Trump prepared to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Agreement on climate change, the media is rife with stories about how China pledged to fully implement its global warming pledge.

China did vow to keep its Paris Agreement commitments, but that won’t really mean much given it pledged to increase greenhouse gas emissions for the foreseeable future.

The New York Times reported Chinese Premier Li Keqiang vowed Thursday that “his country remained committed to the fight against climate change and to participating in international efforts for a greener world.”

Two days earlier, the Times reported China was “poised to take the lead on climate,” and it’s more likely we’ll see “China pushing the United States to meet its commitments and try to live up to the letter and spirit of the 2015 Paris Agreement, even if Mr. Trump has signaled he has no intention of doing so.”

Environmentalists and Democratic politicians used the talking point as well. They argue the U.S. has ceded leadership on global warming to China. (Read more from “China Is ‘Sticking’ to the Paris Agreement in Name Only, Its Plans Show a Much Different Intent” HERE)

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