‘JUSTICE-PRICING’: Filmmaker Charges White Males $5 More for Tickets

Super-woke Canadian filmmaker Shiraz Higgins has implemented his own so-called “justice-pricing” policy, where he charges white males an extra $5 to view his movie.

The 27-year-old filmmaker (yes, he’s a millennial, can you believe it?) is charging white males $15 a ticket and all others $10, apparently as a way to level-out all that white male privilege.

Higgins told The Canadian Press that the “justice-pricing” is “not a publicity stunt” but “based on the purchasing power of individual groups and ‘price discrimination.'”

“This is not a publicity stunt,” he said. Organizers are “pushing forward because we believe it is an important piece of overall conversation that is happening in society right now,” added Higgins. (Read more from “‘JUSTICE-PRICING’: Filmmaker Charges White Males $5 More for Tickets” HERE)

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