Miss America Contestants Asked to Condemn President Trump

Though the ominous feeling of concern for those in the path of Hurricane Irma in Florida hung heavy in the air, the show must go on. Miss America 2018 on ABC aired September 10th and throughout the show, donations for hurricane relief were solicited for those affected in both Texas and Florida. Never fear, though. Politics dominated the final question competition and yes, it was all about President Trump.

Breaking with the tradition of one question per finalist in the final round of competition, this year the pageant decided to ask two questions of each – described as one serious and one playful. The serious questions were saved for the last five finalists. Four of the five questions were political.

It began with a question asked by judge Jordin Sparks to Miss Missouri, Jennifer Davis, about the multiple investigations into whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians – did Miss Davis think the Trump campaign was innocent or guilty? She said, “Innocent.” The crowd responded with mostly cheers. She said there wasn’t enough evidence but if the campaign proves to be guilty, the Justice Department should punish accordingly.

Sparks: There are multiple investigations into whether Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia on the election. Well, did they? You’re the jury: guilty or innocent and please explain your verdict.

Miss Missouri: Right now I have to say innocent, because not enough information has been revealed. We are still investigating this and I think we should investigate it to its fullest extent. If we do find the evidence that they have had collusion with Russia, the justice system should do their due diligence and they should be punished accordingly.

(Read more from “Miss America Contestants Asked to Condemn President Trump” HERE)

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