Virginia Governor-Elect Names Abortion, LGBT Activists to Transition Team

The governor-elect of Virginia’s newly-announced transition committee is a who’s-who of leftist, pro-abortion activists, including the communications director of the commonwealth’s Planned Parenthood affiliate.

One of the most controversial points in Ralph Northam’s campaign came when the Latino Victory Fund released an ad in support of him suggesting his opponents are racists who want to murder minority children. The ad showed a pickup truck with a sticker supporting his Republican opponent, Ed Gillespie, flying a Confederate flag and chasing down minority children. The car also had a conservative “don’t tread on me” license plate.

The Latino Victory Project’s board chair, Leopoldo Martinez, was named to Northam’s transition committee.

Northam said his new team reflects “the diversity that makes our Commonwealth a wonderful and inclusive place to live” and will “build an administration that reflects Virginia and takes our Commonwealth to the next level.”

Tarina Keene, the executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia, is on the committee. So is Alexsis Rodgers, Planned Parenthood of Virginia’s director of communications. (Read more from “Virginia Governor-Elect Names Abortion, LGBT Activists to Transition Team” HERE)

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