Mother of 16-Year-Old Girl Butchered by MS-13 Says Trump Didn’t Go Far Enough With ‘Animals’ Comment

President Donald Trump was absolutely skewered in the media for calling MS-13 gang members “animals”… but the mother of a teenage girl who was murdered by that group believes he didn’t go far enough. . .

Now, the grieving mother of one of that gang’s victims is pushing back against the liberal media, and siding with Trump’s tough words. . .

Rodriguez’s 16-year-old daughter Kayla Cuevas was brutally beaten to death by MS-13 gang members in New York two years ago. Another girl was also killed at the same time, and authorities found that three of the four Mara Salvatrucha suspects were illegal aliens.

“(MS-13 is) the demon itself,” Rodriguez said. “When you look at these individuals, it’s just seeing darkness. There’s nothing there.” . . .

Underage sex trafficking is also part of the gang’s activities, making Trump’s comment seem rather tame. When victims of sex slavery don’t comply, brutal beatings and even more unspeakable acts are often the result. (Read more from “Mother of 16-Year-Old Girl Butchered by MS-13 Says Trump Didn’t Go Far Enough With ‘Animals’ Comment” HERE)

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