Activist Reveals the Terrifying Number of Christians Murdered by Islamists in the Past 20 Years

Jeff King, president of International Christian Concern, told Breitbart News that Islamists murdered 70,000 Christians in Nigeria over the last 20 years. He joined Thursday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with host Rebecca Mansour and special guest host Dylan Gwinn.

“We don’t always get the press,” said King of many news media outlets’ disinterest in persecution of Christians. “It is absolutely the case [that Christians are the most persecuted faith].” . . .

King added, “A lot of people don’t know that … in Nigeria, probably 70,000 Christians have been murdered in the last 20 years by Islamists, and that’s just scratching the surface. It’s going on all over. There’s a spectrum to the oppression.” . . .

Last Monday, Dede Laugesen, director of Save the Persecuted Christians, told Breitbart News that “anti-Christian bias” across America’s “mainstream media” drives news organizations to downplay the mass murder of Christians by Islamic terrorist groups. . .

People don’t believe that Christians can be persecuted, that they could be slaughtered. Here in the United States, we just have a different sense of who Christians are, but out in the greater world, Christians are viewed as a threat to control and power. What you have operating in Nigeria, which is Africa’s most populous country — 200 million people living there with 50 percent Christians, 50 percent Muslims — you have two of the world’s most dangerous terrorist groups operating — Fulani militants and Boko Haram, now affiliated with ISIS Islamic State in West Africa — and they are driven by radical sharia supremacist ideology, seeking to spread shariah across the entire country of Nigeria.

(Read more from “Activist Reveals the Terrifying Number of Christians Murdered by Islamists in the Past 20 Years” HERE)

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