Are Biden and Harris ‘Incompetent’? See How Many Americans Think So

. . .[A] new poll from McLaughlin & Associates reveals that six of 10 Americans think either Biden or Harris – or both – are “incompetent.”

The pollster explained in an analysis at Newsmax, “This means six in 10 voters view either our president, the vice president or both as incompetent. This is a very disturbing result at a time when inflation is rampant and war is threatening the world.”

Further, the polling shows that Americans are backing a brain test for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, an octogenarian, too.

Paul Bedard in his Washington Secrets column noted it was a “growing sign of voter concern about the cognitive abilities of the nation’s elderly leadership.” . . .

On the question of competency, 15% say Biden is more incompetent, 11% say Harris is more incompetent, and 33% say both. A minority of 35% said neither was incompetent. (Read more from “Are Biden and Harris ‘Incompetent’? See How Many Americans Think So” HERE)

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