Sheriff Refuses to Release Gun Owner Info to the FBI: ‘I Will Go Down With the Ship if Need Be’

A sheriff in Missouri has refused to release gun owner information to the FBI, even if the agency threatens to arrest him.

Republican Scotland County Sheriff Bryan Whitney wrote to residents in his community on Monday about the plan to audit Missouri’s gun owner records.

“As the sheriff of Scotland County, I want all my citizens to know that I will not allow, cooperate or release any [conceal carry weapon] information to the FBI, ‘even at the threat of a federal arrest,’” said Whitney.

“Point Blank, ‘I will go down with the ship if need be,’” he added, according to Fox News.

Whitney says the FBI planned to audit 24 counties, though it is unknown which counties in Missouri would be affected. (Read more from “Sheriff Refuses to Release Gun Owner Info to the FBI: ‘I Will Go Down With the Ship if Need Be'” HERE)

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