Americans Urged to Fight Biden’s Plan to Submit to WHO Child Sex Ideology

A top-flight legal team that has, for years, actively worked to protect religious rights and fight the leftism of the LGBT ideologies now is urging Americans to express their opposition to a move by Joe Biden to bring America under the authority of the World Health Organization.

At issue is the proposal from the WHO to impose who International Health Regulations worldwide.

It is Liberty Counsel, long a warrior in the battle to protect religious rights and limit the impact of harmful schemes like Biden’s all-out promotion of the body-mutilation surgeries involved in the transgender agenda, that is asking Americans to sound off – now.

Specifically, the proposed regulations would set “Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe” and more.

“We cannot allow this evil to further infect the United States. But if Joe Biden — the man who can’t seem to stop sniffing and touching girls and women unfortunate enough to be in his close proximity — signs America on to the WHO’s new IHR and treaty, our government will be forced to promote pedophilia, and our schools will be forced to teach this evil as normal behavior,” the organization warned. (Read more from “Americans Urged to Fight Biden’s Plan to Submit to WHO Child Sex Ideology” HERE)

Photo credit: Flickr

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