Universities Around the Country Will Host ‘Critical Whiteness Studies’ Courses

Courses involving “Critical Whiteness Studies,” an offshoot of Critical Race Theory, will be available to students at several colleges across the country during the upcoming 2023-2024 school year.

The University of New Mexico’s Department of English Language and Literature will host a “Critical Whiteness Studies” course in Fall 2023, where students “will learn about whiteness as an ideology of supremacy and domination.” . . .

A course titled “Problematizing Whiteness: Educating for Racial Justice” at the University of Colorado, Denver, asserts that “Critical Whiteness Studies provides a deeper analysis of race that accounts for both sides … the plight of people of color and how white people are complicit.

The University of Oregon also hosts a class titled “Critical Whiteness Studies,” which “explores the social construction of race by investigating and historicizing ‘whiteness’ as a racial category in the U.S.” The University of Oregon also hosts courses on “Environmental Racism” and “Feminist Theories of Race.” (Read more from “Universities Around the Country Will Host ‘Critical Whiteness Studies’ Courses” HERE)

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