Obama’s Biden Scandal: When Did the 44th President Know About His VP’s Foreign Business Dealings?

Mounting evidence demonstrates that then-Vice President Joe Biden illegally used his office to make millions for his family, and those financial interests affected U.S. policy. Investigators in Congress, legitimate journalists and ultimately prosecutors can’t form a complete picture of the wrongdoing without incorporating the actions of then-President Barack Obama and his staff.

It increasingly looks like the man who famously said “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to f—- things up” allowed the Biden family to operate with impunity right under his nose. It’s another blemish for the 44th president’s legacy, which is more and more in shambles.

“Obamacare” was a failure, raising health care costs by an average of 40% and eliminating health care choices for tens of millions of Americans.

Mr. Obama was in on the Russia collusion scheme and spying operation against then-candidate Donald Trump. Claims he made about his personal story have been brought into question. His acquiescence to Russia’s conquest of the Donbas in 2014 helped pave the way for the current war in Ukraine that has killed tens of thousands. His so-called red lines on foreign policy were a mirage, and they emboldened radical Islamists.

Perhaps worst of all, an additional 600,000 Black families were living below the poverty line when he left office to live an elitist, Martha’s Vineyard life. (Read more from “Obama’s Biden Scandal: When Did the 44th President Know About His VP’s Foreign Business Dealings?” HERE)

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