Biden’s Pentagon Seeks $270 Million for Diversity Initiatives, Sparks Controversy

The Department of Defense (DOD) is set to allocate nearly $270 million in taxpayer funds from fiscal years 2022 to 2024 to advance its diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) agenda, reflecting a significant increase in spending on these initiatives. The DOD’s commitment to DEIA has grown from $68 million in fiscal year 2022 to $114.7 million in the initial request for fiscal year 2024, raising questions and concerns about the prioritization of such programs. Critics argue that the department’s focus on DEIA may divert attention from its primary mission and impact national security.

Biden’s Pentagon has consistently advocated for the integration of DEIA principles across all DOD efforts, emphasizing their impact on both the department’s workforce and its mission. The Strategic Management Plan for fiscal years 2022 to 2026 underscores the goal to institutionalize the advancement of DEIA and the value of diversity within the department.

The allocated funds in fiscal year 2022 were designated for the Department of the Air Force, specifically aimed at enhancing training programs, diversity, and inclusion initiatives. This included unconscious bias diversity training and increased aviation scholarships for underrepresented universities’ Reserve Officers’ Training Corps cadets. In 2023, $86.5 million was channeled into dedicated diversity and inclusion activities, supporting various programs to further DEIA values and objectives.

However, the specifics of the proposed $114.7 million for fiscal year 2024 remain unclear, with more information expected in the upcoming “DEIA 2023 – 2027 Strategic Plan.” Critics argue that the vague nature of funding requests raises concerns about transparency and accountability regarding the actual implementation of DEIA activities within the DOD.

The controversy surrounding the DOD’s approach to DEIA extends beyond funding, as visible manifestations of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the diversity agenda draw criticism. The leaked diversity, equity, and inclusion document from the National Security Agency (NSA), part of the DOD, highlights the promotion of CRT and transgender ideology within the agency.

Republican Representative Mike Waltz expressed concern over the perceived shift in the military’s focus, emphasizing the potential impact on the military’s effectiveness and how it is perceived by adversaries. The creation of the Defense Advisory Committee on Diversity and Inclusion and appointments like General (Ret.) Lester Lyles as its chair indicate the DOD’s commitment to improving racial/ethnic diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity within the military.

The controversy surrounding the DOD’s adoption of woke ideology, including CRT, extends to educational institutions like West Point, where cadets are reportedly taught CRT concepts. Additionally, high-profile figures within the DOD, such as General Mark Milley and Bishop Garrison, have defended CRT and led efforts to counter extremism within the military.

Photo credit: Flickr

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