Director Teases Controversial Direction for Upcoming Star Wars Film, Promising to ‘Piss People Off’
Director Taika Waititi promises his upcoming Star Wars movie is “gonna piss people off” after he emasculated Thor in Thor: Love and Thunder.
According to Variety:
When asked if his addition to the popular franchise would still show fans the same “Star Wars” they know and love, the “Thor: love and thunder” director animatedly told Variety on the red carpet of his “Next Goal Wins” premiere, “It will be … dramatic pause… a Taika Waititi film.”
“It’s gonna piss people off,” he added with a laugh.
Now, do you understand just how much Disney hates you, how much contempt and scorn it holds for you?
In the Golden Age, Hollywood wanted to please everyone by producing universal movies for everyone. The goal was to create a unifying and tolerant melting pot: one culture out of many. But Hollywood also made movies aimed at different cultures: teens, Southerners, racial minorities, urbanites, Westerners, women, etc. (Read more from “Director Teases Controversial Direction for Upcoming Star Wars Film, Promising to ‘Piss People Off'” HERE)
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