Here Were Some of Trump’s Best Posts About Biden’s Unhinged State of the Union

By Townhall. It’ll never happen, but if our elections were solely fought in the arena of social media, Joe Biden would get slaughtered. Biden’s team had that ‘Dark Brandon’ creation, but it never went anywhere because Biden is old, weak, and can’t remember when his son died. Trump’s team has brutalized this White House, including mocking Biden and Nancy walking together—they spliced a nursing home into the video to make it seem like a Visiting Angels commercial.

While his Twitter account has been restored, Trump solely uses his Truth Social platform. He was live-blogging Biden’s unhinged State of the Union address last night, and it was more entertaining than anything Joe had to say last night. The bombastic, partisan speech was marketed as some comeback for Biden. Give it time; all it takes is for him to fall again for voters to realize he’s too old to be president.

From Biden’s machismo in standing up to Putin, which was ridiculous, to the economy, immigration, and the rule of law, Trump was there to slap down all of Biden’s lies:

(Read more from “Here Were Some of Trump’s Best Posts About Biden’s Unhinged State of the Union” HERE)


Here’s Why Biden’s Unscripted Moment Freaked out Democrats

By Townhall. . .President Joe Biden finally referenced Laken Riley’s name, sort of, during Thursday’s State of the Union address. He referred to her as “Lincoln Riley,” acknowledging she was “an innocent young woman who was killed, by an illegal, that’s right!” The accused killer, Jose Antonio Ibarra, is here illegally from Venezuela. The official White House transcript indicates that Riley wasn’t mentioned in the prepared remarks. We can thus thank Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) for Biden acknowledging that Riley “was killed by an illegal.” Yet Democratic members and other liberals went nuts that the president would dare to use that term.

Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was among them. During her appearance on CNN right after the speech, she insisted Biden “should have said undocumented,” adding, “We usually say undocumented.” Her response came as Dana Bash pointed out she wasn’t even asking what Pelosi thought about the term the president used.

There were those even more enthusiastically outraged at Biden, including and especially over social media. Many of them are members of Congress or state legislatures.

(Read more from “Here’s Why Biden’s Unscripted Moment Freaked out Democrats” HERE)

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore via Flickr