This Calif. Dem Just Gave the Dumbest, Most Ignorant Reason to Oppose Gorsuch … EVER

Freshman Senator Kamala Harris, D-Calif., might have one of the most disturbing – albeit increasingly common – arguments against Trump’s Supreme Court nominee yet: He’s not a judicial activist.

Friday morning, the former Golden State attorney general made known that she wouldn’t support Judge Neil Gorsuch to replace Justice Antonin Scalia because he “has consistently valued legalisms over real lives.”

Naturally, the idea that a judge ought not be more concerned with the application of the law, rather than its outcome, raised some eyebrows.

Harris links to her recent op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle, where the senator seeks to paint Trump’s nominee in the same league as the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz, a creature desperately in search of a heart.

The implication? Our jurists should be more concerned with emotions and outcomes versus faithful application of the law, and Neil Gorsuch is a big meanie-head.

But that supposedly absent heart debuted on the judge’s sleeve during the hearings. Faced with such questions and accusations multiple times this hearing, the answer or implication thereof has been simple: He didn’t like the outcome, but that’s the law as written (i.e., his job). If legislators don’t like it, change the law or pass a new one.

In her defense, Senator Harris is quite new to her position and may not quite be used to the job of a federal legislator, but she and the 534 members of Congress have the power to change laws and outcomes they don’t like. It’s all lined out in Article I of the Constitution.

But rather than embrace her role as a legislator and Gorsuch’s as a judge, Harris opts to openly defend judicial activism and cite it as the definitive reason for fighting his confirmation, quoting Thurgood Marshall’s aphorism to “do what you think is right and let the law catch up.”

One only wonders what any of the founders would think of that statement from a member of the “weakest branch of government,” or the use of it to defend bench legislation by a U.S. Senator. Well, they wouldn’t like it.

As stated concisely by attorney T. Greg Doucette, “I’m sure there are intellectually honest reasons to oppose Gorsuch. ‘Legalisms over real lives – for a judge – is not one of them.”

(For more from the author of “This Calif. Dem Just Gave the Dumbest, Most Ignorant Reason to Oppose Gorsuch … EVER” please click HERE)

Follow Joe Miller on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.

Why the Deep State Is Gunning for President Trump

According to some, the “Deep State” is just another conspiracy theory. It’s hard to prove claims about unelected and unaccountable officials in government and intelligence agencies. They operate in secret. In another sense, however, the Deep State is an obvious — and troubling — fact.

The president and those whom he appoints and we elect are but the tip of a deep iceberg. Below them sits a huge pyramid of bureaucracies and civil servants. The federal government is the largest employer in America.

But whom does this army of civil servants serve? They’re supposed to serve the American people. Too often, it seems, they put party loyalty above that.

Deep State Functionaries Give 90 Percent to Democrats

What party is that? Here’s a clue: federal employees working in 14 agencies donated $2 million to the recent presidential campaign. Of that 95 percent went to Hilary Clinton. No surprise that 99 percent of donations from State Department employees went to Clinton. But Department of Agriculture employee donations also went 99 percent to Clinton. So did gifts from Department of Education employees (99.7 percent) and Department of Labor employees (99.4 percent). Department of Justice workers contributed 97 percent. IRS employees gave 94 percent.

The State Department winked at Clinton’s use of her private server to handle classified information. You don’t need a conspiracy theory to see why. When the Justice Department exonerates Clinton, there’s no mystery there. The people who make these decisions, and the lower-level people who back them up, are all Clintonites. That is to say, left-leaning Democrats. They don’t take their cues from the American people or from the Constitution. They do what the Democratic Party wants.

By any reading of the statute, Clinton clearly violated the Espionage Act. Not once, but thousands of times. Her actions clearly compromised national security. Foreign powers surely could access her communications. Nevertheless, for the Deep State Democrats, party loyalty trumped national security. So she wasn’t prosecuted.

Obama Stuffed the Pentagon with His Followers

But how about the security agencies themselves? If you believe what you see in the movies, military top brass are all rock-ribbed conservatives. Yet Defense Department employees contributed 84 percent to Clinton. Homeland Security workers donated 90 percent. The figures suggest that the people in charge of our nation’s security are mostly rock-ribbed Democrats.

This partisan edge may explain why President Trump is having a tough time with some of his security appointments. General H.R. McMaster, his National Security Advisor, subscribes to the Obama-era fantasy that terror has nothing to do with Islam. General James Mattis, Trump’s choice for Secretary of Defense, seems to be picking his own appointees from Hillary’s discarded wishlist.

Mattis’ choice of Anne Patterson for undersecretary of defense for policy is particularly disturbing. This is the fourth most powerful position in the Pentagon. During Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State, Patterson was Ambassador to Egypt. She was also an ardent supporter of Mohammed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Even after General El-Sisi turned the Brotherhood out of power, she lobbied to have them reinstated. According to Raymond Ibrahim, she was widely known in Egypt as the “Brotherhood stooge.” She “was arguably one of the most hated individuals by the millions of Egyptians who took to the streets against Morsi and the Brotherhood.” One senior Republican foreign policy advisor told the Washington Free Beacon:

Anne Patterson is the embodiment of the Obama administration’s failed approach to the Middle East … it’s beyond irresponsible to put her in charge of the Pentagon’s policy apparatus.

Mattis has since withdrawn Patterson’s name under pressure from the White House. But why did he pick her in the first place? Some say that the choice of McMaster and Mattis was just poor judgment. Maybe. Or maybe there aren’t that many good people to choose from. Trump needs candidates who are competent and can be confirmed swiftly by the Senate. Mattis’s quick confirmation suggests that the Democrats weren’t too worried about his policy views.

Could Mattis have been steeped too long in the culture of Obama’s Pentagon? Was he surrounded by people who couldn’t see a problem with the Muslim Brotherhood? During his eight year tenure, Obama replaced several hundred generals and admirals. He put in people who would go along with his anti-win policy. While Obama was gutting the Pentagon’s budget, he was also busy weeding out all those rock-ribbed patriotic types.

Are Iran’s Stooges Setting Our Foreign Policy?

Too many government agencies are top-heavy with liberals. That will make it extremely hard for the new administration to make a fresh start. The Deep State is stuffed with holdovers from the Obama administration who are committed to his failed policies.

A prime example is Sahar Nowrouzzadeh. She formerly worked for the National Iranian-American Council (NIAC). That’s a lobbying group for the Islamic Republic of Iran. She also served as the Iran Director for President Obama’s National Security Council. Experts call her one of the architects of the suicidal Iran nuclear deal. You’d think that the new administration would want to cut her out of the loop.

Yet Nowrouzzadeh is now in charge of Iran policy for the State Department’s Policy Planning Staff. She got this position in 2016. Recently, a high-ranking official of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps boasted about a “guerrilla movement” of Iranian agents who work and live in the United States. But with people like Nowrouzzadeh working at State, they need hardly have bothered.

The Travel Ban Was Nixed by an Obama Crony

And then there are the courts. Federal judges might be expected to keep the Deep State in check. But some of them act more like partisan functionaries. A case in point is Judge Derrick Kahala Watson. He was appointed as a U.S district court judge in Honolulu by fellow Hawaiian and Harvard Law classmate Barack Obama. Judge Watson issued a restraining order against President Trump’s temporary travel ban. He didn’t cite legal grounds. So what was his argument? During the campaign, Trump had used heated rhetoric when speaking of Muslims.

The purpose of the travel ban is to protect Americans from radical Islam. The judiciary, in contrast, seems determined to put Americans at risk. The law itself is solidly on the side of the president. The president is empowered by 8 U.S. Code 1182 to “suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants” whose entry “would be detrimental to the interests of the United States.”

Alas, the lawyer left is not interested in the law. As former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy writes, “There is no way of crafting an order restricting immigration from Muslim countries that will satisfy them.” So what then? If the judges will not follow the law? If the bureaucratic holdovers from the Obama administration are more loyal to him than to the Constitution?

We Are Headed for an Ugly Showdown That Trump Might Lose

Then we are headed for a dangerous confrontation. It will be hard to resolve through courts. Will we end up with one law enforcement body following orders from a court, against another following orders from the President?

And then there’s the question of just how much power the President has over the Deep State. Columnist Daniel Greenfield suggests that Obama controls more of the government through his network of embedded loyalists than Trump does. As Mark Steyn puts it, “You don’t need a presidency for life, if you’ve got a bureaucracy for life.”

But why would leftist actors in Deep State risk such a dangerous encounter? Perhaps because they’re fairly confident they would win it. They have plenty of allies in the government and in the courts.

Add to that the support of universities and all those grads whom they’ve trained to believe that they can flout any laws they don’t like. In addition, they can count on a network of leftist nonprofits such as Obama’s Organizing for Action (OFA) which has 33,000 volunteers and 250 offices across the country.

Most of all, the Deep State can count on the “fourth estate” — the media — to cover for it by slanting the news. If, as some contend, we are in the midst of a “quiet coup” by a shadow government, you can be sure that the media will do its best to keep it quiet. Or even to justify it.

Those who think that Trump’s electoral victory will surely result in a safer and more secure America haven’t come to grips with the Deep State’s capacity to stir up deep trouble. (For more from the author of “Why the Deep State Is Gunning for President Trump” please click HERE)

Follow Joe Miller on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.

Trump Calls House Freedom Caucus ‘Friends,’ Predicts ‘What’s Going to Come … Is a Better Bill’

Following House Speaker Paul Ryan’s decision to withdraw a bill repealing and replacing Obamacare, President Donald Trump attempted to mend the factions of the Republican conference and reiterated his support for the House Freedom Caucus.

“This is a hard time for them,” Trump said of the Freedom Caucus. “This is a hard vote.”

Republicans were supposed to vote on the plan partially repealing and replacing Obamacare on Friday. But Ryan notified members this afternoon he decided to pull the health care bill after a number of conservative and centrist Republicans rebelled against it.

During a press conference with reporters, Ryan indicated that it was the House Freedom Caucus, a group of roughly 40 conservatives, who prevented the legislation from passing.

“We were on the cusp of fulfilling a promise that we made. We were on the cusp of achieving an ambition we all had for seven years, and we came a little short,” Ryan said. “We came close, but not quite there.”

Members of the group opposed the bill because they didn’t feel it would lower premiums. The conservative lawmakers wanted to repeal Obamacare’s insurance regulations, but GOP leaders would only commit to giving states authority over one of the regulations, the essential health benefits requirement.

While Ryan pointed to the bloc of conservatives as a reason why the conference failed to come to a consensus, Trump reiterated his support for the group.

“They’re friends of mine,” he told reporters in the Oval Office. “I’m disappointed because we could’ve had it. I’m a little surprised, I could tell you. We really had it. It was pretty much there within grasp, but I’ll tell you what’s going to come out of it is a better bill.”

Trump noted that the health care bill didn’t have support from any Democrats and said that “Obamacare is exploding.”

But the president said he hopes now Republicans and Democrats can come together and craft a bipartisan health care reform bill that passes both chambers of Congress.

“I honestly believe the Democrats will come to us and say, ‘Let’s get together and get a great health care bill or plan that’s really great for the people in this country,’” Trump said, “and I think that’s going to happen.” (For more from the author of “Trump Calls House Freedom Caucus ‘Friends,’ Predicts ‘What’s Going to Come … Is a Better Bill'” please click HERE)

Follow Joe Miller on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.

State Department Gives Long Overdue Approval to Keystone XL Pipeline

If you had a child when TransCanada first submitted its application to build the Keystone XL pipeline, he would be halfway through the first grade by now.

Seven years after TransCanada submitted its first permit application for the Keystone XL pipeline, the Trump administration has overcome the prevaricating defeat-by-delay strategy of the last administration.

The State Department’s decision to approve a permit for the pipeline at the U.S.-Canadian border comes as a result of President Donald Trump’s Jan. 24 executive order to expedite infrastructure projects.

Just days later, TransCanada resubmitted its application, and in February it suspended its lawsuit against the U.S. government for $15 billion in damages resulting from the drawn-out delay under President Barack Obama.

Today, the State Department, relying on extensive reports completed under the Obama administration, approved a permit.

What more can be said after seven years of talking an otherwise mundane pipeline to death?

The amount of time and resources spent debating one pipeline is stunning. The State Department has published five environmental reviews, Congress has voted 23 times, and The Heritage Foundation has written well over 100 blogs, op-eds, and policy papers on the Keystone XL pipeline.

Democrats and Republicans alike have voted in favor of a permit—in fact, approving the pipeline was one of the first orders of business last Congress, only to be met by an Obama veto.

Obama’s own State Department concluded that the pipeline was environmentally safe and would not contribute in any significant manner to global warming.

Instead of listening to the State Department officials, some of his own Cabinet members, and the unions supporting the project, Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry listened to the environmental activist organizations and shut it down.

Opponents of Keystone XL are still trotting out excuses, saying that the jobs impact will be minimal and Keystone may not be a viable project in an era of low oil prices.

While the permanent job tally will be small, the criticism dismisses the thousands of shovel-ready construction jobs building the northern half will create. In fact, the southern portion, which did not require Obama’s approval, created nearly 5,000 jobs.

Construction jobs by their nature are temporary. The 35-50 permanent jobs indicate how efficient Keystone XL is.

As to whether or not Keystone XL is still economically viable, that’s a business decision, not a government one.

Oil prices are long-term. Industry makes investment decisions looking decades into the future, not simply based on short-term projections.

Although it certainly is possible that low oil prices could keep Keystone XL from reaching its peak volume, oil prices could rise as quickly as they fell. Businesses are much better equipped and flexible to deal with changing economic circumstances than short-sighted politicians in Washington.

Approving a permit has nothing to do with supporting “big oil” or fighting global warming. It’s simply good energy, environment, and economic policy.

The Keystone XL pipeline is part of an extensive grid of energy infrastructure that helps fuel our economy, support our way of life, and open new opportunities. There are 2.4 million miles of pipeline crisscrossing the U.S., 72,000 miles of which are for crude oil.

Nearly every good and service Americans engage in—schools, hospitals, grocery stores, transportation, manufacturing, and so on—depend on affordable, reliable energy like that being transported through pipelines like the Keystone XL pipeline.

The fight over Keystone XL represents a larger problem for infrastructure (whether it is pipelines or transmissions) where regulators and politicians capitulate to the “Keep It in the Ground” movement.

An already onerous environmental review and permitting process is stretched longer by environmental activists tying projects up in courts.

It’s nice to see that the State Department’s approval of Keystone XL re-establishes some certainty and sanity to a permitting process that was hijacked by political pandering.

However, Congress and the Trump administration need to implement reform so that projects in the future are not held up for years in regulatory paralysis or through litigation. (For more from the author of “State Department Gives Long Overdue Approval to Keystone XL Pipeline” please click HERE)

Follow Joe Miller on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.

GOP Rep. Hunter Under Criminal Campaign Finance Investigation

The Justice Department is investigating Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.), the House Ethics Committee revealed in a statement on Thursday.

The ethics panel was reviewing alleged campaign finance violations by Hunter but has halted that work at the request of the Justice Department, the panel said . . .

Reports surfaced last year that the Hunter had been potentially misusing campaign funds to pay for personal trips to Italy and Hawaii as well as funding his children’s school tuition, in addition to more mundane items like cell phone video games and a garage door.

Federal law does not allow the use of campaign funds for personal use. Hunter has denied all wrongdoing, with a spokesman attributing the misspent funds to “sloppy bookkeeping.” Hunter has promised to reimburse his campaign committee roughly $65,000, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune. However, reports raise questions about additional seemingly personal expenses. (Read more from “GOP Rep. Hunter Under Criminal Campaign Finance Investigation” HERE)

Follow Joe Miller on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.

Who Controls The (Alternate) ‘Reality’ In America?

Who’s really got the power in America? Most people are living in an alternate reality created by those with the biggest platforms.

Individual “reality” is defined by what people believe to be true more than what actually exists. A firmly held opinion can create such a vast cognitive dissonance that many people can actually witness something that challenges their belief and still deny that they could be incorrect.

This sounds like the biggest conspiracy theory ever, but if you are here reading this, you probably at least suspect that there are manipulations at play in nearly everything we view or read. There are just a few hundred people who control the media, entertainment, and the Internet, and unless we are completely unplugged, we are lambasted with their versions of reality relentlessly every day.

Let’s talk about how opinions are really formed and who has the influence to sway the people of America. No matter how well-informed a person tries to be, the truth can be hard to come by when bias is presented from so many primary sources.

The Places People Get Their News and Information

According to the Pew Research Group, people get their information from the following sources:


Photo Credit
This means that those with the power to influence are the people who pull the strings of network news, those in entertainment, those who make the rules of major social media platforms, and those with the biggest websites. Radio and print newspapers have little influence these days, and for that reason, most major print newspapers also have online outlets.

Notice also how people of varying age groups rely more strongly on different sources for their information.

Network News

Who remembers sitting at the table or just after dinner, being bored to tears as a little kid while your parents were glued to the evening news? I remember my dad wanted to watch the news from three sources because he wanted more than one opinion. I get it now, but at the time, it felt like “the news” would never be over. I usually ended up playing with my Barbies or reading a book.

It seems that times haven’t changed much, if the Pew survey cited above is to be believed, and it appears that the older people are, the more likely they are to watch the news on TV.

But here’s the catch.

Although there are thousands of news stations across the country, nearly all of them are owned by six corporations. In the ’80s, the stations were dispersed through about 50 different companies – not a lot but a far more diverse sampling than you have now that your news is filtered through the lenses of billionaire corporations.

So, basically, everything we hear on the news is controlled by these six companies:

Time Warner
Walt Disney
News Corp.
CBS Corporation
NBC Universal

Whatever their opinions are, those are the biases from which your news will be presented.

But it goes even deeper than just news because these corporations also control the entertainment industry. And what better way to control the masses than through propagandized drama in which the abnormal is normalized, and agendas are insidiously promoted without the knowledge of an unaware watcher?

Here is a glimpse at the networks owned by these corporations.


Photo Credit The Global Movement
As you can see, nearly anything you watch on any channel is influenced by a handful of people – those who run these major corporations. If they want to push an agenda, you can rest assured that agenda will be present on each of their outlets in some form.

The Rulers of the Internet

People under 50 get more of their news and information from the web than any other source these days.

One hundred websites get the majority of the traffic on the Internet, and that traffic is massive. The people behind these websites are major influences in the reality perceived by Americans.

Think about this:

Google gets 28 billion visits per month. That means when you look something up on Google, you are provided with the answer Google wants you to have, which may or may not be the actual answer.

YouTube follows quickly behind with 20.5 billion visits. (source) I’m sure by now you have heard that YouTube has taken advertising privileges away from a lot of videographers whose points of view are contrary to the agenda they wish to promote. They’re saying that the content is not “advertiser friendly” – and obviously, this discourages people who dedicate their days to advancing the truth from doing so. They, too, must make a living, and video editing is a time-consuming process. One well-done 10-minute video can take 8 hours to produce.

These are the 100 websites that provide the “reality” for the majority of the people who rely on the Internet for their news, as per’s traffic reporting system.


Photo Credit Visual Capitalist

Social Media

You may have noticed in the infographic above that a massive amount of traffic goes to social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter.

Both of those networks are notorious for censoring points of view that are not part of a liberal outlook. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you probably heard about Twitter permanently banning a bunch of popular Alt-Right people, most infamously, Milo Yiannopoulos for his perspective.

Now, personally, I’m not a fan of the Alt-Right viewpoint. It seems like they’re presenting meanness as “truth” when they could just as easily state true things without being jerks about it. But that is beside the point. If these people are going to be banned for their unsavory ways of communicating, why does Twitter allow things like #RapeMelania to trend? Why does Twitter allow actual threats against the president? If you’re going to start banning offensiveness, shouldn’t it be across the board?

Then there’s Facebook, who has actually been busted running social experiments on its users by attempting to alter people’s moods with what they show in their timelines. But it doesn’t stop there. Nearly every blogger I know who works in the alternative news genre has been in Facebook jail at least once for presenting an unpopular opinion. I personally got warnings when I posted this article on my page – the article was taken down dozens of times and reported as “hate speech” when the “hate” it reported on was certainly not MY hatred.

Of course, when you sign up to use any of these social media networks, you agree to their terms and conditions. They’re businesses and are under no obligation to be truthful or have integrity. Go ahead and use them – I do because they are helpful to my business – but do so fully aware that what you see presented there reflects the opinions of the management and not actual reality.

So how do we get the truth?

There really aren’t any unbiased sources out there. Having worked as an alternative journalist, I can tell you honestly that no matter how hard you try to be unbiased, your personal feelings sneak in, at least a little bit. Maybe it’s with the background information you provide to support your story because you can see the direction what you are reporting on is going. Maybe it is with a little bit of snarky commentary or a pithy headline.

Because of this, many people pick the reality in which they want to live. Maybe they select ultra-conservative websites that reflect their religious beliefs. Perhaps they opt for anti-establishment outlets that gleefully point out in a non-partisan fashion that all of the politicians are sell-outs. For others, they want “news” that supports their warm, fuzzy liberal view of the world.

It’s pretty easy to get manipulated through the subliminal messages and the predictive programming, but some folks seem to be immune. You really want to be one of those people, and if you aren’t, you can get there.

I wrote about this previously:

What if some people are genetically more susceptible than others? What if some of us are immune to this constant bombardment of images, words, and ideas that most people seem to buy into without question?

Could this be the difference between the vast majority of the people and those of us are that are awake and aware? Are we just mutants? Is this why I can explain this stuff until I lose my voice and just get a blank stare from people who think I am the crazy one?

The vast majority of people in the United States are completely accepting of the official message:

They believe that the government will be there to save them in all circumstances.

They don’t question or inquire. They simply accept what they are told.

They don’t share our fears that something big is on the horizon.

They exist in a bubble and don’t look at the bigger picture.

They refuse to prepare for bad things because they honestly don’t believe it’s possible that those things will happen.

Most people like us (those who are aware, the self-sufficient minority) watch less TV than the masses. Some of us watch no TV at all. I watch a few shows on Netflix or Amazon Prime, but we don’t have cable TV with its commercials and *cough* news. We have other things to do, things that will help us when there are soldiers on the streets “for our own protection.” Things that will help our kids survive when the store shelves are empty and the majority relies on government rations to live (if they behave well enough to get one that is, and behave they will because hunger is a massive motivator to do as you’re told.)

Even if you have a tendency to be mind-controlled, it’s possible to snap out of it. I wasn’t always the tinfoil-clad blogger you see before you today. When I was in my early 20s, I truly did believe that the government agencies like the EPA and the FDA were looking out for our best interests, that food or medicine wouldn’t be sold if it was harmful, and that schools truly were in the business of educating children. Most of us have to shake off our early training at the hands of the education system and the television.

And sort of like in the movie, The Matrix, if you can get someone to swallow the red pill, they become a lot less willing to believe whatever they’re fed.

Subliminal messaging can change people’s views, can change the way they think, can change what they want to eat, what car they want to buy, maybe even how they vote. All you need is the cash to get your message out there and buy a few split seconds of screen time.

It can sow the seeds that make acceptance of abnormal and dangerous situations easier. It can teach people not to question and to be good little sheep.

Sitting for hours in front of the television mindlessly watching the drivel produced by companies who call it “entertainment” is brainwashing people and turning them into idiots, making the best current day example of predictive programming the movie Idiocracy.

All you have to do is look around and you’ll see that it’s here.

What if you don’t want to live in an alternate reality created by the media?

First of all, this doesn’t even touch on other influences like the ridiculous fear culture perpetuated in our schools or the Marxist indoctrination in our colleges and universities, where they teach you that gender isn’t a real thing and you get to pick whenever you want. There are many more players in the alternate reality game than just the media, but you have to start somewhere.

My advice for those who don’t want to live in an alternate reality:

Turn off the TV.

Vet your sources.

Try to get several points of view – even the ones you don’t like. The truth lies somewhere in between.

Look out for talking points that are used ad infinitum like “deep state” or “with an abundance of caution” or “the Russians.” The things you hear repeated over and over are repeated for a reason – to brainwash you.

In the famous words of Fox Mulder, “The truth is out there.” You just have to seek it diligently. (For more from the author of “Who Controls the (Alternate) ‘Reality’ in America?” please click HERE)

Follow Joe Miller on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.

Security Alert: Windows 10 Has Been Quietly Logging EVERY KEYSTROKE You Type And Sending It To Microsoft (This Is How To Stop It)

Yesterday we reported that an international group of hackers claim they have breached Apple’s iCloud user database and stolen 300 million usernames and passwords. The group has threatened to initiate a widespread factory reset on April 7th, 2017, potentially wiping out data on tens of millions of iPhones and iCloud accounts should Apple fail to pay a ransom.

But that breach by nefarious hackers, while serious, is nothing compared to what your trusted operating system provider may be doing on your personal computer.

According to a recent report, if you are a Windows 10 user then every single keystroke you have ever typed on your computer may have been logged and sent to Microsoft.

You know those nagging questions during the installation process that ask you whether or not you want to “help” improve Windows by sending data to Microsoft? If you happened to answer “yes” to one of these questions, or if you went with the Microsoft default installation, there is a real possibility that everything you have done on your computer from the get-go, including sending “secure” messages (because the keyboard logger captures your keystrokes before they appear in your secure messaging app), is now a part of a massive user database somewhere.

There’s been heaps of controversy associated with Microsoft’s latest operating system Windows 10 since it was launched, but the latest issue takes the cake – apparently Windows has been quietly logging every single keystroke users make on their keyboards from the beginning. Even better, that data is being constantly sent to Microsoft’s servers on a regular basis.

Via IB Times

It’s been reported that Microsoft has been using the data to improve artificial intelligence writing and grammar software, but it’s not clear what else they are doing with it.
If you are OK with sharing your personal messages, usernames and passwords with Microsoft for the betterment of the Windows universe, then there is nothing else you need to do at this time.

But if you are concerned about your personal privacy, there are two ways to avoid having your computer spied on using this keylogger method.

Choose A Custom Installation

When installing Windows 10 for the first time you’ll want to select a ‘Custom Install’. This will allow you to choose what you do or do not want activated. To be safe, select ‘no’ for all options related to sending information or data to Microsoft or third-parties.

Update Your Privacy Settings

There is a simple way to identify whether or not your typing activities are being logged.

Simply click on your Windows 10 Start Menu. From there, go to Settings (or the gear icon) -> Privacy -> General

You’ll want to turn off the option that says, “Send Microsoft info about how I write to help us improve typing and writing in the future.”


Once moved to the ‘Off’ position, Microsoft keyword logging should no longer be a problem.

But even though Microsoft will no longer be accessing your data, keep in mind that recent leaked documents reveal most devices have been compromised by intelligence services, meaning that not only can they see what you are typing to friends, family and business colleagues, but they can remotely monitor your voice and video communications in real-time without you even knowing its happening, including when you think your computer is turned off. (For more from the author of “Security Alert: Windows 10 Has Been Quietly Logging EVERY KEYSTROKE You Type and Sending It to Microsoft (This Is How to Stop It)” please click HERE)

Follow Joe Miller on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.

ON LIFE SUPPORT: GOP Postpones Health Care Vote as House Conservatives Revolt

Republican leaders canceled a vote in the House on the plan to replace ObamaCare Thursday, after leadership’s attempts to lobby enough votes apparently failed — a major setback for House Speaker Paul Ryan and President Trump.

Trump and Republican leaders had spent much of the day scrambling to get both moderates and conservatives on board with the increasingly unpopular legislation.

“We have not gotten enough of our members to get to yes at this point under what we have now,” House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows, R-N.C., told reporters.

Ryan postponed his press conference twice as he worked with House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy R-Calif., Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., and Chief Deputy Whip Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., to get enough votes to get the American Healthcare Act through the House on the seventh anniversary of ObamaCare’s passage.

Meanwhile, Trump met inside the Cabinet room with the Freedom caucus to try and rally conservatives to the cause. He also tweeted, urging supporters to call their representatives to back the bill. (Read more from “ON LIFE SUPPORT: GOP Postpones Health Care Vote as House Conservatives Revolt” HERE)

Follow Joe Miller on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.

IRS Policy That Allowed Targeting Is Still in Effect, Watchdog Finds

An obscure bureaucratic policy that allowed IRS officials to target conservative and tea party tax-exemption applicants during the 2010 and 2012 election campaigns is still in place, meaning the same abuses may be continuing, according to a nonprofit government watchdog.

The federal tax agency’s policy requires IRS officials to stop processing tax-exempt applications that are “likely to attract media or congressional attention,” the Cause of Action Institute said in a report made public Wednesday.

The policy also directs IRS officials to prepare “sensitive case reports” for their supervisors and to ignore “the merits of the application” if it involves a newsworthy topic.

“Targeting was—and is—IRS policy, not a violation of it,” the report said, noting that the policy is still in place. “As a result, American taxpayers are at risk for similar treatment in the future.”

“In halting the applications, preparing such reports and referring the matter to supervisors, including political appointees, IRS employees behaved exactly as agency rules dictated,” the report continued. (Read more from “IRS Policy That Allowed Targeting Is Still in Effect, Watchdog Finds” HERE)

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Last Call: Donald Trump Plans White House Meeting With the Freedom Caucus on Healthcare Bill

President Donald Trump continues to court members the Conservative House Freedom Caucus, pushing them to support the House-led bill to replace Obamacare.

The president has scheduled a meeting with members of the caucus at the White House, just hours before the bill is scheduled for a vote. Trump wants to make a deal, appearing willing to make last minute changes to woo conservatives to support the measure.

Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) (pictured) said in an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity that he and Trump had come to an “agreement in principle,” about the bill, but was still hammering out details.

Meadows explained to reporters on Wednesday that members of the freedom caucus want to repeal Obamacare’s “essential health benefits” and Title I insurance regulations, in order to lower premiums. (Read more from “Last Call: Donald Trump Plans White House Meeting With the Freedom Caucus on Healthcare Bill” HERE)

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