Brexit Leader Nigel Farage Cheers Trump for Contribution to ‘Global Political Revolution’

Nigel Farage, the British politician who led the successful Brexit movement to withdraw from the European Union, cheered on an auditorium full of American conservative activists who helped inspire what he views as a similar “political revolution” in the United States with the election of President Donald Trump.

Farage, who campaigned with Trump during the election, said the message of sovereignty and nationalism that drove United Kingdom voters to choose Brexit last June mirrors the populist vision that has taken power in Washington.

“Since the election of Donald J. Trump, every time I come to America I am feeling a little more American,” Farage said during a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, outside Washington Friday afternoon.

“When in years to come, the generations that follow us study the history of this period, there is one year that will stand out. That year is the year of 2016. Because in 2016 we witnessed the beginning of a global political revolution, and it’s one that is not going to stop.”

With elections scheduled for the Netherlands, France, Germany, and possibly Italy this year, Farage predicted that populist movements in those European countries would gain ground—and potentially take power. Farage suggested the political change could lead to the breakup of the European Union.

“This [movement] will roll out across the rest of the West,” Farage said, adding:

I don’t yet know whether the results in 2017 will be as dramatic as 2016. What I do know is even if challengers don’t get over the line, what they will do is shift the center of gravity of the entire debate. People across Europe are rejecting this form of supernational government. They are rejecting the idea of being governed by unelected old men in Brussels.

During the campaign, Trump expressed skepticism of the European Union, and his top political adviser, Stephen Bannon, has called himself an “economic nationalist” and is considered an intellectual force behind the president’s views.

But in a Thursday interview with Reuters, Trump announced support for the European Union as a governing body, saying, ‘I’m totally in favor of it.”

Farage, in his CPAC speech, credited Trump for fulfilling other parts of his campaign platform, such as withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement.

Trump has vowed to pursue bilateral trade deals, including one with Britain, once Prime Minister Theresa May’s government completes the Brexit process.

“What I am seeing is something quite remarkable,” Farage said. “An elected leader [Trump] trying to put in place a platform for which he was elected.”

“I’ve always believed we should govern our own country, that we should be free to reach out and make our own deals with our real friends in the world,” Farage added. “Our real friends in the world speak English, have common law, and stand by us in times of crisis.”

Farage, who spoke admiringly of Trump and the movement that carried him to the White House, even adopted the American president’s rhetoric as he closed his speech with a fist pump.

“We’ve got to be clear we aren’t against anyone based on religion, or ethnicity, but we are for ourselves, we are for our countries, and we are for making our people safe,” Farage said.

“That is what we are for,” Farage said. “We are for our country, we are for our people, and we are winning.”

CPAC, the largest annual national gathering of conservative activists, runs from Wednesday to Saturday at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland, just outside Washington. (For more from the author of “Brexit Leader Nigel Farage Cheers Trump for Contribution to ‘Global Political Revolution'” please click HERE)

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Illegal Fundraiser for the Clintons Made Secret Tape Because He Feared Being ASSASSINATED Over What He Knew – and Used It to Reveal Democrats’ Bid to Silence Him

A Chinese-American businessman at the center of a Clinton campaign finance scandal secretly filmed a tell-all video as an ‘insurance policy’ – because he feared being murdered.

In footage provided exclusively to, Johnny Chung spills details on how he illegally funneled money from Chinese officials to Bill Clinton’s 1996 re-election bid.

The Chinese-American Clinton fundraiser recorded the ‘elaborate videotaped testimony’ while in hiding in 2000.

He smuggled it to trusted friends and family with instructions to release it to the media in the event of his untimely death because he believed he was at risk of being assassinated . . .

The video was obtained by author and historian David Wead for his new book Game of Thorns, which traces Hillary Clinton’s unsuccessful 2016 campaign and the Chinese government’s long-running operation to buy political influence in Washington. (Read more from “Illegal Fundraiser for the Clintons Made Secret Tape Because He Feared Being ASSASSINATED Over What He Knew – and Used It to Reveal Democrats’ Bid to Silence Him” HERE)

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Schools Are Teaching Islam but Banning Christianity: These Jersey Moms Want to Find out Why

There’s a new trend in public school curriculum that, chances are, you know nothing about. If you think your kids are getting an unbiased education and that all forms of religion are left out of the classroom, think again. Your child, like many others, may be subjected to Islamic indoctrination. That’s exactly what’s happening in schools in New Jersey. But in one small town, two moms are fighting back.

‘No Bible in School’

It all started several years ago when Nancy Gayer’s middle-schooler put together a PowerPoint presentation about giving winter hats and gloves to children who couldn’t afford them. One slide of the presentation had a Bible verse: “Caring for the poor is lending to the Lord, and you will be well repaid.” (Prov. 19:17) The slide took all of 1.3 seconds, but that was enough to alarm the teacher, Nancy told The Stream in an interview. The teacher told the boy that his slide show belonged in Sunday School, not the classroom, and refused to allow him to present it to the class. She told Nancy that it was “proselytizing.” So Nancy went to the vice-principal. “He said, ‘No, no, no, no Bible in school. You cannot quote the Bible, it’s proselytizing.’” The superintendent said the same thing, but he also threatened to obtain legal advice. Nancy said she was intimidated by his threat and decided that she would let it go.

Fast-forward to this year.

Memorizing the Quran for Homework

Nancy and Libby Hilsenrath’s boys are in the seventh grade at the same school. The moms were disturbed to learn that the boys were studying the doctrines and tenets of the Muslim faith, including the five pillars of Islam, and memorizing the teachings of the Quran for homework. One assignment required them to complete the sentence, “There is no God but Allah and Mohammad is his messenger.” Further, the boys were subjected to a 20-slide PowerPoint presentation about Islam, and two videos of a cartoon character teaching a non-Muslim friend about Islam.

“We are not anti-religion, we are not anti-Muslim, we are not bigoted people by any means,” said Nancy. “We care about people. But we care about the truth.” The moms just want equality in teaching religions. “If Islam is taught, teach Christianity, too. [My son] couldn’t even put a Bible verse in his presentation that was student-initiated. So they’re not only teaching Islam, but they’re not allowing students to be free in expressing their religious beliefs,” one said.

The school is also flouting its own written rules. Chatham School District Policy 2270 states in part:

The Board of Education directs that no religious belief or nonbelief shall be promoted in the regular curriculum or in district-sponsored courses, programs or activities, and none shall be disparaged.

The Islamic Core Curriculum of New Jersey

Libby addressed this concern at the Board of Education meeting, asking that the Board, the Policy Committee and the Curriculum Committee review this course to determine whether it was in line with school policy. She received a dismissive response by Superintendent Dr. Michael LaSusa:

I don’t think we’ll be eliminating the instruction in Islam because it is part of the New Jersey curriculum core content standards to teach students about the various religions of the world.

At the meeting, Dr. LaSusa offered to meet privately with anyone if they had more questions. But that didn’t happen. In fact, when the two moms requested a meeting with LaSusa, he responded that he would not be meeting with the women as their meeting would not be “productive.”

On Monday, the women were invited as guests to the Tucker Carlson Tonight show to discuss the issues with the school’s curriculum.

Although the superintendent didn’t show, he did provide the show’s producer with a statement. He said, in part:

The lessons on Islam that some of our parents have raised as an issue comprise approximately three days out of a 180-day school year. Further, in the scope of our full curriculum, content addressing Islam does not represent a disproportionate amount of time or resources.

“[My] question to him would be, ‘Do you spend three days on Christianity? Do you spend three days on Judaism? Do you spend three days on Buddhism? Do you spend three days on Taoism? Do you spend three days on Sikhism?’” said Libby. “It’s an absolutely backwards argument.”

Libby tried to find out from the K-12 Director of Social Studies curriculum whether other religions beside Islam were covered. She got a response she considers laughable. “I asked him, ‘Do you teach the Bible in your curriculum?’ and he said, ‘No, but here’s where they will encounter Christianity and Judaism,’ and he listed a bunch of things. The one that I remember off the top of my head is during one of the classes they watch a speech by Martin Luther King, Jr., where he quotes Isaiah. His answers were absurd to me.”

A Vicious Backlash Against Parents

The women expected to get backlash from the school district. They didn’t expect the type of response they’ve received from the community. The women agree that of all the responses they’ve had, 99 percent has been negative. “They are mean, they are calling us names, they are calling us bigots and idiots,” said Nancy. “They have been so unkind with no facts at all.”

“The reception that we got from the Board of Education and from the superintendent in particular was dismissive,” said Libby. “And then, the reception we got from the public was just awful. And these are parents, these are adults. The same adults who say, ‘what example are you setting for your kids?’ Well, what example are you setting for your kids posting this horrible, horrible things on Facebook? What kind of example is that?”

How Long Will Public Schools Teach Islam?

For now, the women aren’t taking this to court, although that action hasn’t been ruled out. “Our plan is to go back to the next Board of Education meeting which is on March 6. We’ll ask the committees if they’re going to take it under consideration,” said Libby “…to hopefully affect change in the curriculum for the better.” Nancy added, “We’ve not been given the opportunity to address these things in a constructive, adult meeting. I think these are things that would benefit all students…. If they [the school board and principal] were more forthcoming, then the onus falls on the parent, ‘Okay, we put it out there and if you didn’t look at it, it’s on you.’ But it’s the opposite here.” (For more from the author of “Schools Are Teaching Islam but Banning Christianity: These Jersey Moms Want to Find out Why” please click HERE)

Follow Joe Miller on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.

Watch How One Congressman Handles a Rowdy Town Hall Meeting

Rep. Dave Brat shocked the political establishment in 2014 when he defeated then-Majority Leader Eric Cantor in the GOP primary for Virginia’s 7th Congressional District. On Tuesday, Brat was back in the spotlight at a town hall meeting in rural Blackstone, Virginia.

During the lively and occasionally boisterous meeting, Brat was peppered with questions from constituents on a range of policy issues and current events. Despite frequent interruptions—some cheers and other jeers—Brat kept his cool and responded to nearly three dozen questions.

The Daily Signal traveled to Blackstone for Brat’s meeting, and aired footage Wednesday along with interviews with some attendees and the congressman. The Daily Signal’s Genevieve Wood also interviewed Sondra Clark of Heritage Action for America, a sister organization of The Heritage Foundation, about political activism at town hall meetings.

(For more from the author of “Watch How One Congressman Handles a Rowdy Town Hall Meeting” please click HERE)

Follow Joe Miller on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.

7 New Earth-Like Exoplanets Discovered, NASA Announces

Talk about lucky number seven. Astronomers have discovered not one, not two, but seven Earth-sized planets orbiting a star called TRAPPIST-1.

What’s more, three of them are in the habitable zone— the happy place where liquid water can exist on the surface of rocky planets, as it’s not too hot or cold. (Although liquid water could potentially exist on any of the seven, NASA said, it likes the odds on those three best.) The space agency calls the discovery of the fascinating solar system record-breaking.

“The discovery gives us a hint that finding a second Earth is not just a matter of if, but when,” Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator of the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters, said at a news conference announcing the discovery.

Zurbuchen called it a “major step forward” towards the goal of answering the very big question: Is there life on other worlds?

The discovery “is very promising for the search for life beyond our solar system,” Michael Gillon, astronomer at the University of Liege in Belgium, added during the press conference. (Read more from “7 New Earth-Like Exoplanets Discovered, NASA Announces” HERE)

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SICK: Breitbart Writer Milo Yiannopoulos Celebrates Pedophilia, Disinvited From CPAC

By Anika Smith. Yiannopoulos recently made headlines when social activists rioted at UC-Berkeley to prevent him from speaking.

He is back in the news today as conservatives register their outrage and disgust over recently surfaced comments he made defending pederasty and joking about molestation and sexual assault.

The Reagan Battalion posted a video yesterday bringing Milo’s comments to light.

Milo is a gay man noted for his outspoken support of Donald Trump, whom he calls “Daddy” for the sake of the reactions he gets. His schtick is posh-accented camp, and his reward is the outrage his comments trigger.

The right response should be easy enough: turn off, tune out, and don’t give Milo the attention he craves. Maybe spend that time reading about actual conservative intellectuals who are being punished for their beliefs. A good point from University of Washington president Ana Mari Cauce, who urged upset students not to ignore Milo but to “stay away” from his scheduled lecture there:

A. I never said “ignore,” I said “stay away.” There’s a difference. Look, this is a marathon, not a sprint. Folks need to think about how to use their energy and how to be strategic. What strategy do you want to use in what situation? The reason why I believed that he was not the most strategic thing to protest is that that’s what he feeds off, that’s what he makes money off.

Think about it for a second. If there had been no protest, what you’d see is a line of mostly white men, who might be described by some as “macho,” standing in line for hours to see a gay man in a boa in essence perform camp.

If CPAC wants to champion free speech on college campuses, they should have invited someone like Robert Oscar Lopez (also a Trump supporter, BTW), who has been hounded for his work advocating for children’s rights. As Lopez pointed out after the Berkeley riots, Milo’s campus lectures only serve to raise Milo’s profile, all while conservative professors are quietly expelled.

Instead of the positive reinforcement of a boycott or a protest of Milo, conservatives attending CPAC might choose to leave the hall quietly when he speaks, or taking to Twitter to champion those who fight against sexual assault in locker rooms, like the heroic Kaeley Triller Haver. Don’t forget what Milo said, and don’t forget that CPAC invited him to speak. But don’t give him the attention he wants. Don’t feed the trolls. (For more from the author of “SICK: Breitbart Writer Milo Yiannopoulos Celebrates Pedophilia, Disinvited From CPAC” please click HERE)


Milo Yiannopoulos’s Pedophilia Comments Cost Him CPAC Role and Book Deal

By Jeremy W. Peters, Alexandra Alter and Michael M. Grynbaum. Milo Yiannopoulos, a polemical Breitbart editor and unapologetic defender of the alt-right, tested the limits of how far his provocations could go after the publication of a video in which he condones sexual relations with boys as young as 13 and laughs off the seriousness of pedophilia by Roman Catholic priests.

On Monday, the organizers of the Conservative Political Action Conference rescinded their invitation for him to speak this week. Simon & Schuster said it was canceling publication of “Dangerous” after standing by him through weeks of criticism of the deal. And Breitbart itself was reportedly reconsidering his role amid calls online for it to sever ties with him.

Mr. Yiannopoulos’s comments, which quickly created an uproar online over the weekend, put many conservatives in a deeply uncomfortable position. They have long defended Mr. Yiannopoulos’s attention-seeking stunts and racially charged antics on the grounds that the left had tried to hypocritically censor his right to free speech. (Read more from “Milo Yiannopoulos’s Pedophilia Comments Cost Him CPAC Role and Book Deal” HERE)

Follow Joe Miller on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.

Underreported: How Gun Silencers Became a Health Issue

Most people only know about silencers from what they see in the movies—a stealthy gun accessory that helps criminals more easily kill by suppressing the sound of the gunshot. But silencers, some say, is a misleading way to describe these firearm accessories. Why? Because they don’t actually silence the sound of a gunshot.

In a brand new video series, “Underreported,” The Daily Signal digs into the controversy surrounding silencers—or “suppressors,” as gun advocates prefer to call them. We explore why firearm suppressors are so heavily regulated; speak with Sen. Mike Crapo, a Republican from Idaho who’s leading the charge to lift these regulations; and head to the National Rifle Association to see how they actually work.

Watch the video and share your feedback about whether Congress should take on this issue on The Daily Signal’s Facebook page. (For more from the author of “Underreported: How Gun Silencers Became a Health Issue” please click HERE)

Follow Joe Miller on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.

The Donald Strikes Back: 8 Must-See Moments From the Most Trump Press Conference Ever

In a wide-ranging, and at times contentious, press conference lasting over an hour, President Donald Trump gave an update on his administration’s progress and answered questions from the media.

The news conference was called to announce the president’s selection of Alexander Acosta to lead the Labor Department, after the previous nominee Andrew Puzder withdrew his name from consideration Wednesday. But the topics addressed ranged from accomplishments made by the administration in the first four weeks, to the resignation of national security adviser Michael Flynn, and the dishonesty of the media.

Here are some of the more memorable lines:

On the state of the Trump administration

On the state of the country

On keeping campaign promises

On a new immigration order

On the media’s honesty

On the media’s tone

On U.S.-Russia relations

On CNN’s “very fake news”

(For more from the author of “The Donald Strikes Back: 8 Must-See Moments From the Most Trump Press Conference Ever” please click HERE)

Follow Joe Miller on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.

GOP Leaders Release Details of Plan to Replace Obamacare

House Republican leaders mapped out their proposal for how Obamacare will be repealed and replaced in a closed-door meeting Thursday, outlining plans for Medicaid reforms and refundable tax credits for Americans.

Joined briefly by newly confirmed Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, House Speaker Paul Ryan, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady, and Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Greg Walden presented the details to members.

The plan comes amid mounting frustration from the chamber’s conservative wing, who want to see their leaders move faster on repealing Obamacare and decided to coalesce around their own replacement plan Wednesday after discussions over potential changes to the health care system slowed.

GOP lawmakers said repeatedly they would unwind Obamacare—a promise repeated by President Donald Trump on the campaign trail—but the conference has yet to come together on which parts of the law would be repealed and how.

And members are likely to face questions on Obamacare’s future from constituents on both sides of the aisle when they head home for the Presidents Day recess.

Ryan told reporters on Thursday that upon returning to Washington at the end of the month, lawmakers would introduce the repeal and replace legislation.

However, he noted that GOP lawmakers are waiting on cost estimates from the Congressional Budget Office and Joint Committee on Taxation

“What we’re proposing is a patient-centered system where the patient designs their plan. The patient gets to decide what they want to do,” Ryan said. “The nucleus is the patient and her doctor versus the nucleus of the system being the government in Obamacare’s sake.”

According to a copy of the presentation leaders gave to Republicans that was obtained by The Daily Signal, the plan calls for Congress to pass legislation that repeals Obamacare’s taxes, individual and employer mandates, and subsidies. It also stresses that the Medicaid expansion, which loosened program eligibility requirements, would also be changed.

Then, it maps out four key components of a replacement: modernize Medicaid, use State Innovation Grants, expand health savings accounts, and provide portable, monthly tax credits.

Specifically, Americans purchasing coverage on the individual market would receive an advanceable, refundable tax credit based on age.

The plan also expands the use of health savings accounts, a policy that is the hallmark of nearly every proposal Republicans have presented over the last six years.

Brady and Walden’s replacement plan calls for an increase in the maximum contribution Americans can make to their health savings accounts. Currently, individuals can contribute $3,400 each year to a health savings account, but the Republicans’ plan would raise that limit to $6,500.

Republicans are generally in agreement on the expansion of health savings accounts and even on providing Americans some form of financial assistance, but GOP members are more divided on how to handle changes to Medicaid.

Thirty-one states and the District of Columbia expanded Medicaid, and had 100 percent of Medicaid costs for those who are newly eligible covered by the federal government from 2014 to 2016. Now, GOP senators representing some of those states have pushed for the expansion to remain in place.

The plan put forth by House Republican leaders would pare down the match rates for the expanded Medicaid population over time, but allow states to continue enrolling new beneficiaries under the expansion’s eligibility. Republicans then propose changing it to either a per-capita allotment or block grant program.

The proposal provides a transition period, though not defined, for states that did expand Medicaid.

To ease the concerns of leaders from expansion states, Ryan said Walden and Sen. Orrin Hatch, a Republican from Utah who chairs the Senate Finance Committee, have been working with Republican governors to discuss potential changes to the program.

The last item in the GOP’s replacement plan calls for the creation of high-risk pools, which would be funded by federal dollars allocated to the states and can be used to help those with pre-existing conditions.

Republicans plan to repeal Obamacare using a budget tool called reconciliation, which fast-tracks legislation in the Senate and allows it to pass with 51 votes.

Their plan is to start with a repeal bill that passed both chambers in 2015, but was ultimately vetoed by President Barack Obama.

GOP leaders are planning to build on the 2015 bill by including parts of Obamacare’s replacement.

Late last month, Ryan mapped out a timeline for Obamacare’s repeal, telling GOP colleagues the House would dismantle the bill in March or April.

But House conservatives are becoming frustrated with the speed leaders are moving and want to see action before then.

On Monday, the approximately 40 members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus voted unanimously to back the 2015 Obamacare repeal bill, and on Wednesday, they endorsed an Obamacare replacement plan released by Sen. Rand Paul. (For more from the author of “GOP Leaders Release Details of Plan to Replace Obamacare” please click HERE)

Follow Joe Miller on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.

Global PEDOPHILIA Rings Exposed and Arrested — Where’s U.S. Press Coverage?

“Pizzagate” is a familiar pop culture buzzword and everyone probably knows what it means or that it is affiliated with sexual abuse of children, especially in Washington, DC. However, there has been breaking news about world-wide arrests regarding pedophilia, but the U.S. media and television—other than CBS journalist Ben Swann in Atlanta, Georgia—have not investigated the problem to expose it and its perpetrators.

In Canada, a recent Project Spade press conference took place, which you can listen to here.

The U.S. Postal Service was represented at the Toronto press conference. How come the U.S. press has not covered that international event? Some children as young as five years old were involved. What a scourge upon society! By the way, have you heard the rumblings that some want to have pedophilia made legal? What is wrong with society?

How high up the professional ladders do these sick activities go; who will be exposed and how soon—barring none at any level of involvement, including the swamp in Washington, DC, which has been alleged to be crawling with pedophiles in all levels of government. Why isn’t the U.S. media investigating and reporting on it? What say you Washington Post?

Here’s coverage of a California pedophilia bust, which ought to make people wonder why it wasn’t national front page news plus a short clip on the DA’s press conference on sexual exploitation arrests across southern California.

Lastly, a huge pedophilia-sex operation was exposed in Norway. Did you hear anything about that on the nightly news? Here’s some of the information that surfaced:

Norwegian police have filed charges against 51 people suspected of various kinds of abuse of children including babies. Even the future abuse of yet unborn children was discussed in the country’s largest ever pedophile ring. [CJF emphasis added]

Truly one of the sick, sad and pathetic parts about pedophilia is those who are educated and should know better.

Several perpetrators were obviously familiar to their immediate environments. Family and friends reacted with shock when they were arrested. Perpetrators come from all walks of life, many of them have a higher education, possess high IT skills and have used encryption to hide their tracks,” prosecutor Janne Ringset Heltne told NRK. [CJF emphasis added]

Abuse of children at any level, in any form/format, including vaccines neurotoxic ingredients, has to stop, and all responsible government agencies must be made to deal with it whether they like it or not, or want to or not, since, apparently, many at the top may be involved. (For more from the author of “Global PEDOPHILIA Rings Exposed and Arrested — Where’s U.S. Press Coverage?” please click HERE)

Follow Joe Miller on Twitter HERE and Facebook HERE.