Krauthammer Answers the Question, “Do You Think America’s Going to Make It?” (+video)

Charles Krauthammer appeared on the Christian Broadcasting Network’s 700 Club yesterday in an interview with the show’s co-host Pat Robertson.

Krauthammer is known to millions of nightly television viewers as an insightful political analyst and conservative commentator on the Fox News nightly program, “Special Report with Bret Baier.”

The wide-ranging interview touched on many topics in Krauthammer’s new book, “Things That Matter.” As the interview was drawing to a close, Robertson asked the doctor, “Do you think America’s going to make it?” Krauthammer responded, “I think one of the things you’ll find in the book ultimately is a kind of optimism about America. I’ve always had this sense of a providential hand. You know, we are a country that at the end of the 1700s was a little island of Western Civilization. Cut off, small number of people, and we developed the greatest generation of political geniuses in the history of mankind who give us the Constitution. The next century, we needed a Lincoln, we get a Lincoln.

“In the Twentieth, we needed an FDR in the Depression and in the Second World War. In the second half of the century, we needed a Reagan, and we got a Reagan. Now I can’t explain all this. In some sense, I think it comes out of the basic common sense and decency of the American people, who one way or the other find a way. You know Churchill once said, ‘the Americans always do the right thing after they have tried everything else.’ So here we are trying everything else, but in the end, I think we’re going to do the right thing.”

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Christians Face Culture of Fear, Intimidation in U.S. Military Today (+video)

Photo Credit: APThe Family Research Council (FRC) released a video in time for Veterans Day that warns Americans about the persecution of U.S. troops who express their Christian faith.

The four-minute-and-44 second video, “A Clear and Present Danger,” features active duty members of the U.S. military sharing their concerns about the “tremendous culture of intimidation and fear in the ranks of the American military right now.”

The identities of the men the faces and voices of the man are obscured to cloak their identities.

“Soldiers give up a lot of privileges or rights to be soldiers and defend the freedom of others,” says one soldier in the video. “But certainly the free exercise of religious freedom is not one of them.”

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Limbaugh Compares Obama to Bernie Madoff; Fraud is Impeachable (+video)

Photo Credit: APDuring his Monday radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh made the argument that President Barack Obama “is defrauding the entire country” by saying that “if you like your plan, you can keep it.”

Limbaugh compared Obama to Ponzi scheme huckster Bernie Madoff and called the fraud “impeachable.”

He also said that the miserable rollout has gone exactly as planned. In order for Obamacare to be a successful policy, it requires people losing their health insurance and being forced to use the Obamacare exchanges, he explained.

“Here’s the thing — if you believe nothing of what I say, if you believe nothing of what I say — believe this,” Limbaugh said. “What people do not understand is that as far as Obama is concerned, Obamacare is working perfectly right now. It is happening exactly as it was drawn up. It is happening exactly as it was designed.”

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Eakinomics – Mandatory Spending Crowding Out the Rest (+video)

Photo Credit: Washington Examiner American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin is pushing back against complacency over deficits this week and calling for renewed attention to the problem of the United States’ long-term debt.

AAF, a right-leaning Washington think tank, is promoting videos of Holtz-Eakin, a former director of the Congressional Budget Office, drawing attention to the danger of rising long-term debt and calling on the federal government to cut spending, specifically mandatory spending — outlays on programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

The deficit for fiscal 2013 was the lowest since before President Obama took office at $680 billion, down from a high of $1.4 trillion in 2009. The broad-based sequestration spending cuts and the tax increases on high incomes that went into effect earlier in the year accounted for much of the reduction in the size of the government’s shortfall.

At $680 billion, the 2013 deficit was 4.1 percent of the country’s economic output. The Congressional Budget Office projects the deficit to keep falling, reaching 2 percent of gross domestic product by 2015. But over the longer term, as aging Baby Boomers enter retirement and draw on programs like Social Security and Medicare, deficits are expected to rise again, until the debt exceeds 100 percent of GDP in 2038.

By trying to refocus the debate on lowering the debt, Holtz-Eakin is taking on economic heavyweights like Larry Summers, Obama’s former top economic adviser, who argued in a recent Financial Times op-ed that addressing the debt should not be a priority right now.

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Perry: There’ll Be a ‘Discussion’ on Christie’s Conservatism (+video)

Photo Credit: Gage SkidmoreTexas Gov. Rick Perry says that if Chris Christie runs for president, the GOP will likely have a conversation about the New Jersey governor’s ideology.

“He was a successful governor in New Jersey? Now does that transcend to the country? We’ll see in later years and months to come,” said Perry in an interview that aired Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”

“Is a conservative in New Jersey a conservative in the rest of the country?” Perry asked. “We’ll have that discussion at the appropriate time.”

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Graham Won’t Lift Nominee-Hold Threat Over Benghazi (+video)

Photo Credit: Getty ImageSen. Lindsey Graham says he still plans to use Senate holds on President Barack Obama’s nominees until he gets answers on the attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya.

Pressed on CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday, the South Carolina Republican said he hasn’t been able to interview the five survivors of the attack, and so he’ll continue to threaten holds on nominees until he gets to talk to them, as well as relevant CIA officials.

The holds are a last resort, he said.

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NJ Biologists Remove Arrow from Deer’s Head (+video)

Photo Credit: APWildlife officials have removed an arrow from a young deer’s head and released the animal back into the New Jersey woods.

The arrow that had completely pierced the 5-month-old male deer’s head was removed Saturday by biologists with the Department of Environmental Protection.

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Jim DeMint: The Conservative Alternative to Obamacare (+video)

Photo Credit: YouTube We’ve been very critical of Obamacare because it’s hurting Americans. But that has caused some to ask, “What’s your alternative?”

The truth is, we’ve always had alternatives, but our critics weren’t ready to listen. Now, the disastrous rollout of Obamacare has a lot of people asking for alternatives to government-run health care. And conservatives are ready.

With each passing day, it becomes clearer that Obamacare will not reduce premiums for average American families, bring down health care spending, or truly improve health care in this country. Instead, people are receiving notices from their insurance companies that their policies are being canceled or their premiums are skyrocketing.

At The Heritage Foundation, we are envisioning a health care system where you and your family come first.

Read more from this story HERE.

Box Office Star Reveals He’s a Conservative (+video)

Photo Credit: Dan Steinberg/Invision/APAsk actor Vince Vaughn about his political views and he’ll proudly tell you he’s conservative – and he doesn’t really care what Hollywood thinks.

In a telephone interview with Adam Carolla, Hollywood A-lister Vince Vaughn made a strong declaration about his conservative principles. When Carolla asked him very directly, “Do you count yourself a conservative?” Vaughn did not hesitate or stammer, he merely replied, “I do, yeah…I mean I’m very supportive of Ron Paul, but I’ve always been more conservative than not.”

During the three minute interview Carolla tried to see if Vaughn’s conservatism was a product of a conservative upbringing. Vaughn talked about growing up in Chicago, with a father who came from a working class family that leaned more democratic.

However, the actor also stated, “As a guy that worked very hard, and sort of put himself through school and stuff, he was more conservative, for sure.”

Read more from this story HERE.

Rush Limbaugh: The Regime’s Shocking Iran Deal (+video)

Photo Credit: YouTube RUSH: I’ll tell you, the news out of Geneva regarding the United States, Israel, and Iran… Folks, I don’t know how else to categorize this or explain it to you. This man, Barack Obama, is fundamentally transforming this nation in ways that are gonna be next to impossible to reverse in many ways, the longer he goes. Do you realize that the regime has been secretly working behind the scenes to lift the sanctions on Iran? Iran is going to have the sanctions lifted without making any concessions in their nuclear program. They’re not gonna have to tear down any centrifuges. They’re not gonna have to dismantle anything. We’re just gonna take the sanctions away.

Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, has said, “This is disastrous. This is worse than a bad deal.” And he told Lurch — and, by the way, some have asked, I need to dispel something quick. You know Liberty? The talking horse in Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims was not modeled after John Kerry. I can’t tell you how many people have asked, “We’ve seen Liberty on the cover of your book. Were you thinking of John Kerry?” No, no. We wouldn’t do that to Liberty. Our horse doesn’t purposely look like John Kerry, and I don’t think it does. (interruption) What do you mean, Sarah Jessica Parker? That’s the first I’ve heard of that.

Read more from this story HERE.