Welcome to Kathleen’s Korner! I’m excited to be working with my husband, Joe Miller, to help Restore Liberty to this great nation. This Korner is my small part in helping women to catch a vision for Truth. Through stories, news articles, homemaking tips and answering your questions, I hope to be an encouragement to you in this endeavor. Remember, it often takes just one person choosing to do the right thing that can radically change a situation around. Let’s be that woman!
Video: 8 year old, disabled girl denied entry to Obama event but others admitted
/2 Comments/in Kathleen's Korner /by News EditorAfter waiting in the sweltering heat, an eight year old girl with Asperger Syndrome was denied entry to an Obama event this weekend, even though others were let in afterwards. Her dad is thinking about changing his party registration.
Liberal tyranny and the cluck heard ‘round the world (+video)
/4 Comments/in Featured, Kathleen's Korner /by News EditorThe left’s wrongheaded Chick-fil-A boycott has backfired catastrophically. Read here how liberals learned a hard lesson. See also the video of the liberal CBS affiliate that refused to report the truth.
Obama: Hollywood is the November 2012 “tie-breaker”
/2 Comments/in Featured, Kathleen's Korner /by Fred LucasObama told a gathering of wealthy Hollywood donors this week that “you guys are the tie-breaker” in the upcoming presidential election. Read about who was there and Obama’s comments to them.
Video: Abortionist kills “ugly black babies” to do taxpayers a favor
/3 Comments/in Featured, Kathleen's Korner /by News EditorIn the following short clip you will hear a conversation between a pro-life group and an abortionist from Charlotte, NC on July 26, 2012. The racist overtones of the abortion industry come through loud and clear.
Tuesday: Boycott Starbucks Day
/in Kathleen's Korner /by Tiffany HsuHomosexual marriage activists are planning to swarm Starbucks on Tuesday in an attempt to counter the record sales from last week’s Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day. Pro-traditional marriage advocates should boycott Starbucks for its radical pro-homosexual stance.
Planned Parenthood Never Called 911 for Mother who died from Abortion
/2 Comments/in Kathleen's Korner /by Steven ErteltPlanned Parenthood in Chicago acted with “unfathomable negligence” in waiting five hours to send a woman to the hospital who later died from a botched abortion.
Boy Scouts: over one hundred molesters repeatedly abused boys, moving from troop to troop
/2 Comments/in Kathleen's Korner /by Associated PressDespite efforts to protect young boys, the BSA was unable to prevent dozens of molesters from moving from troop to troop to abuse Scouts.
The Irony of Celebrating a Pro-Abortion President’s Birthday
/1 Comment/in Kathleen's Korner, POTUS /by Ryan BombergerOn Saturday, the President of the United States, who has spent the past four years dividing Americans rather than uniting, celebrates his 51st birthday. He will be lavished with all kinds of praise by the sycophants known as mainstream media. Read about the irony of it here.
Homosexual illegal aliens get to stay in US; Obama continues to ignore DOMA
/2 Comments/in Kathleen's Korner /by AMY TAXIN and LISA LEFFllegal aliens who claim they’re homosexual will likely avoid deportation. And if they stay long enough, they’ll probably get amnesty and vote Democratic.
Bomb disposal hero stuns 4 year old daughter by surprising her on big screen during show at SeaWorld
/0 Comments/in Featured, Kathleen's Korner /by Daily Mail ReporterArmy Specialist Eric Espinosa, who was responsible for finding, defusing or activating improvised explosive devices in Afghanistan, had not seen his daughter Alexis for a year but was reunited at SeaWorld this week.
Are the Chinese winning Olympic medals through child cruelty & torture? (+video)
/1 Comment/in Featured, Kathleen's Korner /by News EditorAre the Chinese winning Olympic medals through child cruelty & torture? Read the story, see the video, decide for yourself.
Michelle Obama’s hypocrisy: Quail eggs & $6800 clothing
/0 Comments/in Kathleen's Korner /by Jeannie DeAngelisWhen Michelle Obama jetted off to Britain to instruct the US Olympic Team on what they needed to do to come home with the gold, it became apparent that America’s first lady had found a way to party hearty, regardless of the pledge to forgo her annual Martha’s Vineyard vacation.
Nancy Pelosi’s New Catholic Archbishop: US may be moving toward despotism
/2 Comments/in Kathleen's Korner /by CNS NewsRead why the newly appointed archbishop of San Francisco—a city represented by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi—warned that the U.S. may be moving toward despotism.
Starting this month, Obamacare begins to cater to promiscuity
/0 Comments/in Kathleen's Korner /by News EditorStarting this month, Obamacare mandates that all health plans must now cover – at no charge – a number of services highly correlated with sexual promiscuity. Read about this new mandate here.
August 1, 2012: The Day Freedom of Conscience Died in America
/1 Comment/in Kathleen's Korner /by Bryan PrestonAs of July 31, 2012 a business owner who objects to abortion had the freedom of conscience to make sure that her company’s insurance policies did not pay to facilitate the practice. But as of yesterday, August 1, she no longer has that freedom. The ObamaCare contraceptive and abortifacient mandates took effect August 1, hailed by the Obama regime as a great and wonderful thing.
Miami threatens to evict congregation over Pastor’s sermons calling homosexuality sin (+video)
/1 Comment/in Featured, Kathleen's Korner /by Dave BohonThe Miami-Dade School District has threatened to evict a pastor solely because he has preached several sermons from the bible, calling homosexuality a sin. Read about this outrageous attack on First Amendment rights here.
DC Fetal Pain Bill Fails House but Pro-Life Leaders Remain Optimistic
/0 Comments/in Kathleen's Korner /by Associated PressA bill that would ban abortions in the District of Columbia after 20 weeks of pregnancy failed to pass the House yesterday. Read this story to find out why pro-life leaders hailed the vote as a victory.
Generals continue blind effort to remake military for Obama; now prepping women for combat
/0 Comments/in Kathleen's Korner /by Rowan ScarboroughThe military’s top brass continue its efforts to remake the military for political, not readiness purposes. Find out what the generals are doing now to bring women closer to combat.
Same agencies involved in Sandusky abuse cases stripped doctor of license for reporting abuse
/1 Comment/in Kathleen's Korner /by Michael VolpeThe same state agencies involved in the Penn State molestation cases apparently stripped a psychologist of his license years before for reporting a molestation case to the authorities.
Federal Judge blocks Obama from forcing Catholic businesses to provide birth control
/3 Comments/in Kathleen's Korner /by Terry BaynesA Colorado business owned by Catholics does not have to comply with Obama’s new healthcare mandate that private employers provide employees with insurance coverage of birth control, a Colorado federal judge ruled on Friday. Read here to find out why.
US Church Remains in ‘Coma’ Despite Cataclysmic Events in Middle East
/0 Comments/in Kathleen's Korner /by Alex MurashkoThe church in America is no longer simply in a slumber when it comes to its lack of awareness about the persecuted church in the Middle East; it is in a “diabetic coma,” says the leader of a persecution watchdog group in the U.S.
Caroline Kennedy says the Kennedy clan is “at its lowest point ever”
/1 Comment/in Kathleen's Korner /by Louise BoyleAfter the Kennedys’ latest public scandal, involving RFK’s daughter’s suspected DUI, things seem to be at an all-time low for the Kennedy clan.
City officials’ threats against Chick-fil-A may backfire
/3 Comments/in Kathleen's Korner /by News EditorAs we reported several days ago, Chick-fil-A is receiving heavy criticism from liberals and the gay community for its stance on traditional marriage. Now, local city officials are trying to create economic hardship for the restaurant chain. Not so fast say legal experts.
Fall ’40 Days for Life’ kicks off; submit your application now!
/0 Comments/in Kathleen's Korner /by Shawn CarneyIf a former Planned Parenthood manager can muster the courage to lead a 40 Days for Life campaign outside of her former workplace, could God be calling YOU to lead a 40 Days for Life campaign in your community?
Democrats refuse to take down ad making fun of MS patient Ann Romney
/1 Comment/in Featured, Kathleen's Korner /by Steven ErteltThe Democratic Party has been running an ad that makes fun of multiple sclerosis patient Ann Romney and her therapeutic dancing horse. After being called on it, the DNC still refuses to pull the ad. Read more here.