Republican Teddy Turner, the son of media mogul Ted Turner, made news last month when he blamed his father’s liberalism on actress Jane Fonda. He made even more news yesterday. Miller Miller2013-03-21 00:45:312013-03-21 00:45:31Ted Turner’s Son: CNN Is So Far Left I Mostly Watch Fox
After seeing a photo of an 11-year-old boy holding a rifle on Facebook, New Jersey police and Department of Children and Families officials raided the home of the boy’s father. Miller Miller2013-03-21 00:40:352013-03-21 00:40:35Man’s Home Raided After Son’s Facebook Picture Shows Gun
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded a $384,949 grant to Yale University for a study on “Sexual Conflict, Social Behavior and the Evolution of Waterfowl Genitalia”. Miller Miller2013-03-21 00:36:032013-03-21 00:36:03Ludicrous Federal Study Spends Hundreds of Thousands Examining Duck’s Private Parts
Senators voted Wednesday to make the first significant changes to the budget sequesters, shifting money to keep slaughterhouse inspectors on the job full time but refusing to rearrange money to reopen the White House for public tours. Miller Miller2013-03-21 00:03:092013-03-21 00:03:09Senate Votes To Keep White House Closed, Slaughterhouses Open
Laughable: Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said Wednesday that he still views “too big to fail” banks as a “major issue” that must be addressed. Miller Miller2013-03-21 00:02:282013-03-21 00:02:28Bernanke: ‘Too Big To Fail’ Remains A Problem
Connecticut government officials tried to coax the maker of the Bushmaster AR-15 semiautomatic rifle into choosing the state as their home base. Find out what happened after Sandy Hook. Miller Miller2013-03-20 02:50:072013-03-20 02:50:07A Week Before Sandy Hook Shooting, Connecticut Asked AR-15 Maker To Move Into State
The abortionist who allegedly – amongst many other horrors – used scissors to severe the backbones of babies born alive in botched abortions – is defended with pathetic claims of prosecutorial racism. Miller Miller2013-03-20 02:49:082013-03-20 02:49:08Defense Team In ‘House Of Horrors’ Abortion Doctor Trial Charges Racism
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has significantly weakened gun control legislation, stripping a provision that would have banned assault-style weapons and high-capacity gun clips. Miller Miller2013-03-20 02:12:462013-03-20 02:12:46Democrats Throw In Towel On Assault Weapons Ban
Obama has embraced Total Information Awareness—TIA for short—which refers to the government’s ability to compile a massive, searchable database, comprised of every type of electronic communication and information imaginable. Miller Miller2013-03-20 02:08:252013-03-20 02:08:25Barack Obama’s Surveillance Society (+video)
Transportation Security Administration officers “humiliated” a Marine who lost both legs to an Improvised Explosive Device by trying to force the wheelchair-bound Marine to stand and walk. Find out what happened with this outrageous situation here. Miller Miller2013-03-20 01:47:462013-03-20 01:47:46TSA Agents ‘Humiliated’ Marine Who Lost Both Legs To An IED
After the Republican National Committee released its “autopsy” report highlighting the path forward for the GOP on Monday, conservatives blasted the RNC for proposing changes they feel would blunt the ability of grassroots conservatives to beat establishment candidates at the presidential level.
The Bible is the best-selling book of all times and more recently, a top TV show. Since nearly everyone has been exposed to the Bible, it has to be a factor in the prevalent violence in our culture, right? That’s what this congressional witness says… Miller Miller2013-03-20 01:43:142013-03-20 01:43:14House GOP Witness: Reading Bible Can Cause Violence
The establishment Republican Party leaders and their sometime abettors in the establishment media would like to forget that the Tea Party uprising of 2009 and 2010 was as much a revolt against the entrenched GOP leadership as it was a rebellion against Barack Obama and his liberal agenda. Miller Miller2013-03-20 01:37:402013-03-20 01:37:40Palin Is Right: To Win, GOP Must Adopt Tea Party Populism
The History Channel on Monday denied that the resemblance between President Obama and an actor playing Satan in the channel’s miniseries “The Bible” was intentional. Miller Miller2013-03-19 02:54:212013-03-19 02:54:21History Channel: Resemblance Of Obama, Satanic Character Not Intentional
As Republicans and Democrats try to find middle ground between the budgets that each side has proposed, the most conservative members of the House are throwing another budget into the mix, one that would balance the budget in four years. Read more about it here. Miller Miller2013-03-19 02:52:522013-03-19 02:52:52Conservative House Republicans Propose Balancing Budget In Four Years
New Labor Secretary nominee Thomas Perez was cited by both a federal judge and the Justice Department inspector general for giving incomplete testimony on the controversial handling of the New Black Panther voter intimidation case. Miller Miller2013-03-19 02:52:112013-03-19 02:52:11Obama Nominates Leading DOJ Opponent of Voter ID Laws As Labor Secretary
A reporter from Colorado asked White House spokesman Jay Carney how President Obama justifies “lavish vacations” and golf trips, and whether he plans to cut back. Miller Miller2013-03-19 02:32:172013-03-19 02:32:17Reporter Asks Carney: Will Obama Cut Back On Lavish Vacations, Golf Trips?
A U.S. defense contractor in Hawaii has been arrested on charges of passing national defense secrets, including classified information about nuclear weapons, to a Chinese woman with whom he was romantically involved, authorities said on Monday. Miller Miller2013-03-19 02:26:482013-03-19 02:26:48U.S. Contractor Charged With Passing Nuclear Secrets To Chinese Woman
Reince Priebus: RNC ‘cannot and will not’ write off any demographic, community or region. And it looks like he’s ready to fold on amnesty for illegals.
The liberal media covered the 40th Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) pretty much like they cover everything else — deceitfully, with a partisan bias that is transparent to every honest and intelligent person who actually pays attention. Read what they did here. Miller Miller2013-03-18 02:58:192013-03-18 02:58:19Liberal Media Lie Again, This Time About CPAC
RNC plans to spend millions this year in order to reach a broad mass of ethnic groups to promote its brand among voters who overwhelmingly supported Democrats in 2012. Miller Miller2013-03-18 02:51:272013-03-18 02:51:27RNC To Spend $10 Million To Reach Minorities
After an effort to defund the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s food stamp outreach partnership with the Mexican government went down in committee Thursday, Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions continued to press the agency for more information about non-citizen participation in the food stamp program. Miller Miller2013-03-18 02:46:012013-03-18 02:46:01Sen. Sessions Presses USDA For More Info On Mexican Food Stamp Use, Participation Rates
A Colorado sheriff says he won’t enforce two aggressive gun-control measures waiting to be signed into law by Gov. John Hickenlooper, calling the bills “feel-good, knee-jerk reactions that are unenforceable.” Miller Miller2013-03-18 02:43:492013-03-18 02:43:49Colorado Sheriff Says He Won’t Enforce the State’s New Gun-Control Measures
A new policy approved by the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) will require all public school students to participate in sex education instruction, beginning in kindergarten. Miller Miller2013-03-18 02:39:502013-03-18 02:39:50Chicago Public Schools to Start Sex Education in Kindergarten
John Kerry, newly appointed Secretary of State, called for collective action to curb the “detrimental” effects of climate change, as he propagated a doomsday scenario where sea levels rise and rising temperatures wreak havoc on the Earth. Miller Miller2013-03-18 02:34:192013-03-18 02:34:19John Kerry’s First Foreign Policy Speech Spins Global Warming Hysteria
Ted Turner’s Son: CNN Is So Far Left I Mostly Watch Fox
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Noel SheppardRepublican Teddy Turner, the son of media mogul Ted Turner, made news last month when he blamed his father’s liberalism on actress Jane Fonda. He made even more news yesterday.
Man’s Home Raided After Son’s Facebook Picture Shows Gun
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Raven ClaboughAfter seeing a photo of an 11-year-old boy holding a rifle on Facebook, New Jersey police and Department of Children and Families officials raided the home of the boy’s father.
Ludicrous Federal Study Spends Hundreds of Thousands Examining Duck’s Private Parts
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Eric ScheinerThe National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded a $384,949 grant to Yale University for a study on “Sexual Conflict, Social Behavior and the Evolution of Waterfowl Genitalia”.
Senate Votes To Keep White House Closed, Slaughterhouses Open
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Stephen Dinan and Seth McLaughlinSenators voted Wednesday to make the first significant changes to the budget sequesters, shifting money to keep slaughterhouse inspectors on the job full time but refusing to rearrange money to reopen the White House for public tours.
Bernanke: ‘Too Big To Fail’ Remains A Problem
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Peter SchroederLaughable: Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said Wednesday that he still views “too big to fail” banks as a “major issue” that must be addressed.
A Week Before Sandy Hook Shooting, Connecticut Asked AR-15 Maker To Move Into State
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Joel GehrkeConnecticut government officials tried to coax the maker of the Bushmaster AR-15 semiautomatic rifle into choosing the state as their home base. Find out what happened after Sandy Hook.
Defense Team In ‘House Of Horrors’ Abortion Doctor Trial Charges Racism
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Joel GehrkeThe abortionist who allegedly – amongst many other horrors – used scissors to severe the backbones of babies born alive in botched abortions – is defended with pathetic claims of prosecutorial racism.
Democrats Throw In Towel On Assault Weapons Ban
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Susan FerrechioSenate Majority Leader Harry Reid has significantly weakened gun control legislation, stripping a provision that would have banned assault-style weapons and high-capacity gun clips.
Barack Obama’s Surveillance Society (+video)
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Kris ZaneObama has embraced Total Information Awareness—TIA for short—which refers to the government’s ability to compile a massive, searchable database, comprised of every type of electronic communication and information imaginable.
TSA Agents ‘Humiliated’ Marine Who Lost Both Legs To An IED
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Caroline MayTransportation Security Administration officers “humiliated” a Marine who lost both legs to an Improvised Explosive Device by trying to force the wheelchair-bound Marine to stand and walk. Find out what happened with this outrageous situation here.
Tea Partiers Express Concern Over RNC ‘Autopsy’ Report
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Tony LeeAfter the Republican National Committee released its “autopsy” report highlighting the path forward for the GOP on Monday, conservatives blasted the RNC for proposing changes they feel would blunt the ability of grassroots conservatives to beat establishment candidates at the presidential level.
House GOP Witness: Reading Bible Can Cause Violence
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Mike FlynnThe Bible is the best-selling book of all times and more recently, a top TV show. Since nearly everyone has been exposed to the Bible, it has to be a factor in the prevalent violence in our culture, right? That’s what this congressional witness says…
Palin Is Right: To Win, GOP Must Adopt Tea Party Populism
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by George RasleyThe establishment Republican Party leaders and their sometime abettors in the establishment media would like to forget that the Tea Party uprising of 2009 and 2010 was as much a revolt against the entrenched GOP leadership as it was a rebellion against Barack Obama and his liberal agenda.
History Channel: Resemblance Of Obama, Satanic Character Not Intentional
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Justin SinkThe History Channel on Monday denied that the resemblance between President Obama and an actor playing Satan in the channel’s miniseries “The Bible” was intentional.
Conservative House Republicans Propose Balancing Budget In Four Years
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Alexis LevinsonAs Republicans and Democrats try to find middle ground between the budgets that each side has proposed, the most conservative members of the House are throwing another budget into the mix, one that would balance the budget in four years. Read more about it here.
Obama Nominates Leading DOJ Opponent of Voter ID Laws As Labor Secretary
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Fred LucasNew Labor Secretary nominee Thomas Perez was cited by both a federal judge and the Justice Department inspector general for giving incomplete testimony on the controversial handling of the New Black Panther voter intimidation case.
Reporter Asks Carney: Will Obama Cut Back On Lavish Vacations, Golf Trips?
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Daniel HalperA reporter from Colorado asked White House spokesman Jay Carney how President Obama justifies “lavish vacations” and golf trips, and whether he plans to cut back.
U.S. Contractor Charged With Passing Nuclear Secrets To Chinese Woman
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Tim GaynorA U.S. defense contractor in Hawaii has been arrested on charges of passing national defense secrets, including classified information about nuclear weapons, to a Chinese woman with whom he was romantically involved, authorities said on Monday.
GOP Road Map: Immigration Reform and Fewer Debates
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by David SherfinskiReince Priebus: RNC ‘cannot and will not’ write off any demographic, community or region. And it looks like he’s ready to fold on amnesty for illegals.
Liberal Media Lie Again, This Time About CPAC
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Robert Stacy McCainThe liberal media covered the 40th Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) pretty much like they cover everything else — deceitfully, with a partisan bias that is transparent to every honest and intelligent person who actually pays attention. Read what they did here.
RNC To Spend $10 Million To Reach Minorities
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Philip ElliottRNC plans to spend millions this year in order to reach a broad mass of ethnic groups to promote its brand among voters who overwhelmingly supported Democrats in 2012.
Sen. Sessions Presses USDA For More Info On Mexican Food Stamp Use, Participation Rates
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Caroline MayAfter an effort to defund the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s food stamp outreach partnership with the Mexican government went down in committee Thursday, Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions continued to press the agency for more information about non-citizen participation in the food stamp program.
Colorado Sheriff Says He Won’t Enforce the State’s New Gun-Control Measures
/0 Comments/in 2 Amendment, Featured, News /by Associated PressA Colorado sheriff says he won’t enforce two aggressive gun-control measures waiting to be signed into law by Gov. John Hickenlooper, calling the bills “feel-good, knee-jerk reactions that are unenforceable.”
Chicago Public Schools to Start Sex Education in Kindergarten
/0 Comments/in Education, Featured, News /by Dave BohonA new policy approved by the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) will require all public school students to participate in sex education instruction, beginning in kindergarten.
John Kerry’s First Foreign Policy Speech Spins Global Warming Hysteria
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Brian KoenigJohn Kerry, newly appointed Secretary of State, called for collective action to curb the “detrimental” effects of climate change, as he propagated a doomsday scenario where sea levels rise and rising temperatures wreak havoc on the Earth.