Unlike many so-called conservative commentators, Lou Dobbs tells it like it is in an interview on Fox News this past week.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2013-05-20 03:04:322016-04-11 11:20:48Lou Dobbs: The President of the United States “Lies Through His Teeth” (+video)
Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote has been harassed by seventeen separate visits from federal agencies since her efforts to start a national vote integrity organization, based in Texas.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2013-05-20 02:54:312016-04-11 11:20:49True the Vote Founder Hounded by Obama’s IRS, OSHA and ATF (+video)
Two of the most prominent liberal personalities, Bill Maher and Michael Moore, said the Republican Party’s opposition to President Barack Obama at almost every turn amounts to anti-American criminality.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2013-05-19 03:09:372016-04-11 11:20:54Bill Maher: GOP Guilty of ‘Treason’; Michael Moore: ‘They Hate America’ (+video)
How big of a wake-up call are the Obama scandals, especially the ones surrounding the seizing of phone records from the Associated Press and the IRS’s targeting of conservatives?
The gallery at the House Ways and Means Committee Friday had to be called to order after it burst into applause and some gave a standing ovation. Read what happened here.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2013-05-18 05:12:492016-04-11 11:20:58The Scathing Speech that Got a Standing Ovation During the IRS Hearing (+videos)
Amid sequester and scandal in Washington, the White House announced Friday that the president and first lady will be hosting another concert later this month.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2013-05-18 05:08:132016-04-11 11:20:59Amid Scandals, White House Announces Star-Studded Concert in East Room (+video)
Radio host Dennis Miller and National Review columnist Mark Steyn considered Thursday the possible outcomes if the United States continues down the path of socialism.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2013-05-17 03:19:322016-04-11 11:21:04Steyn Warns of ‘Serious Secession Movements’ if Drift Toward Socialism Not Reversed (+video)
Mark Levin absolutely hammers the IRS in this clip. And with good reason.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2013-05-17 03:18:232016-04-11 11:21:04Video: Mark Levin – “It’s Time to Kill the IRS”
One of President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign co-chairmen used a leaked document from the IRS to attack GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney during the 2012 election, says a group active in the election.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2013-05-16 03:33:472016-04-11 11:21:10Obama Stole Election from Romney With Illegally Leaked IRS Documents? (+video)
In this video, a group of officers arrive at a home and, through a closed screen door, demand that the occupants come outside.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2013-05-16 03:33:152016-04-11 11:21:10California Cops Break Into House Without a Warrant, Tase Man Who Complains About Police State and It’s All on Video
Attorney General Eric Holder and Rep. Louie Gohmert clashed Wednesday on how the FBI conducted its investigation into the Boston Marathon bombing.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2013-05-16 03:27:522016-04-11 11:21:11Holder and Gohmert Go Full Contact in House Fight Over Boston Bombings
Shortly after midnight Tuesday, seven people – mostly Arabs – were caught trespassing at the Quabbin Reservoir, the water supply for Boston.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2013-05-16 03:18:302016-04-11 11:21:137 Caught Trespassing At Boston’s Water Supply; Patrols Stepped Up Across Massachusetts (+video)
Obama on Wednesday forced out the acting director of the Internal Revenue Service and pledged to work with Congress as it investigates why the tax agency was inappropriately targeting conservative groups that opposed Obama and other Democrats.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2013-05-15 21:10:052016-04-11 11:21:14Obama Ousts Acting IRS Head After Agency is Caught Targeting Conservatives (+video)
Senator Rand Paul hits a home run in this interview with Sean Hannity last night. Sen. Paul describes Obama’s presidency as “failing.” He also says that the President is “drunk with power.”
Lois Lerner, the senior IRS official at the center of the decision to target tea party groups for burdensome tax scrutiny, signed paperwork granting tax-exempt status to the Barack H. Obama Foundation.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2013-05-14 21:01:512016-04-11 11:21:15IRS Approved Obama’s Brother’s “Shady” Charity in Record Time (+video)
Evoking the spy games of the Cold War, Russia said Tuesday that it had detained an American diplomat who was carrying cash, two wigs and technical equipment and was trying to recruit a Russian intelligence official to work for the CIA.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2013-05-14 20:39:232016-04-11 11:21:17‘Spirit of the Cold War’: Russia Says US Diplomat was Trying to Recruit for CIA (+video)
A California father of four died after being beaten by police outside of a Bakersfield hospital, while witnesses say he begged for his life.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2013-05-13 22:03:552016-04-11 11:21:24Father Dies After Begging For Life While Cops Struck Him With Batons; Cellphone Videos Seized
It started out with the sound of music and ended with the sound of gunshots. Read what happened here.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2013-05-12 22:48:572016-04-11 11:21:2619 Shot in Mother’s Day Shooting in Louisiana (+video)
Lou Dobbs: The President of the United States “Lies Through His Teeth” (+video)
/17 Comments/in Featured, Video /by News EditorUnlike many so-called conservative commentators, Lou Dobbs tells it like it is in an interview on Fox News this past week.
True the Vote Founder Hounded by Obama’s IRS, OSHA and ATF (+video)
/7 Comments/in Featured, Video /by News EditorCatherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote has been harassed by seventeen separate visits from federal agencies since her efforts to start a national vote integrity organization, based in Texas.
Romney Hammers Obama on Tonight Show (+video)
/7 Comments/in Featured, Video /by News EditorMitt Romney was in good form on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Leno covered the current Obama Administration scandals and had Romney comment on them.
Bill Maher: GOP Guilty of ‘Treason’; Michael Moore: ‘They Hate America’ (+video)
/17 Comments/in Featured, Video /by Jeff PoorTwo of the most prominent liberal personalities, Bill Maher and Michael Moore, said the Republican Party’s opposition to President Barack Obama at almost every turn amounts to anti-American criminality.
Joe Scarborough, Piers Morgan: Obama Scandals Prove Gun Advocates aren’t Crazy (+videos)
/10 Comments/in Featured, Video /by John NolteHow big of a wake-up call are the Obama scandals, especially the ones surrounding the seizing of phone records from the Associated Press and the IRS’s targeting of conservatives?
The Scathing Speech that Got a Standing Ovation During the IRS Hearing (+videos)
/42 Comments/in Featured, Video /by News EditorThe gallery at the House Ways and Means Committee Friday had to be called to order after it burst into applause and some gave a standing ovation. Read what happened here.
Amid Scandals, White House Announces Star-Studded Concert in East Room (+video)
/11 Comments/in Featured, Video /by Caroline MayAmid sequester and scandal in Washington, the White House announced Friday that the president and first lady will be hosting another concert later this month.
NASA: Meteor Slams into Moon, Causes Explosion Visible to Naked Eye on Earth (+video)
/0 Comments/in Featured, Video /by NEWS LIMITED NETWORKA MASSIVE explosion from a meteor which crashed into the Moon was visible to the naked eye on Earth, NASA says.
Steyn Warns of ‘Serious Secession Movements’ if Drift Toward Socialism Not Reversed (+video)
/4 Comments/in Featured, Video /by Jeff PoorRadio host Dennis Miller and National Review columnist Mark Steyn considered Thursday the possible outcomes if the United States continues down the path of socialism.
Video: Mark Levin – “It’s Time to Kill the IRS”
/12 Comments/in Featured, Video /by Mark LevinMark Levin absolutely hammers the IRS in this clip. And with good reason.
Holder Doesn’t Know If Anyone Ever Prosecuted Under Born Alive Infant Protection Act (+video)
/2 Comments/in Featured, Video /by Melanie HunterAttorney General Eric Holder said Wednesday he did not know whether there has been even one prosecution under the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.
Obama Breaches Marine Corps Umbrella Protocol (+video)
/12 Comments/in Featured, Video /by Mike PiccioneThe commander in chief of the American armed forces today forced a violation of Marine Corps regulations, so he wouldn’t get wet.
Obama Stole Election from Romney With Illegally Leaked IRS Documents? (+video)
/18 Comments/in Featured, Video /by Matthew BoyleOne of President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign co-chairmen used a leaked document from the IRS to attack GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney during the 2012 election, says a group active in the election.
California Cops Break Into House Without a Warrant, Tase Man Who Complains About Police State and It’s All on Video
/72 Comments/in Featured, Video /by News EditorIn this video, a group of officers arrive at a home and, through a closed screen door, demand that the occupants come outside.
Holder and Gohmert Go Full Contact in House Fight Over Boston Bombings
/4 Comments/in Featured, Video /by Alexis LevinsonAttorney General Eric Holder and Rep. Louie Gohmert clashed Wednesday on how the FBI conducted its investigation into the Boston Marathon bombing.
D.C. Turns on Obama (+video)
/5 Comments/in Featured, Video /by News EditorThe town is turning on President Obama — and this is very bad news for the Obama White House.
7 Caught Trespassing At Boston’s Water Supply; Patrols Stepped Up Across Massachusetts (+video)
/9 Comments/in Featured, Video /by CBSShortly after midnight Tuesday, seven people – mostly Arabs – were caught trespassing at the Quabbin Reservoir, the water supply for Boston.
Holder Backing Into Corner, Blasts Issa’s Conduct as “Unacceptable” and “Shameful” (+video)
/2 Comments/in Featured, Video /by News EditorDuring a House Judiciary Committee hearing today, a visibly agitated Eric Holder blasted Rep. Darrell Issa’s conduct as “unacceptable” and “shameful.”
Obama Ousts Acting IRS Head After Agency is Caught Targeting Conservatives (+video)
/2 Comments/in Featured, Video /by Brian HughesObama on Wednesday forced out the acting director of the Internal Revenue Service and pledged to work with Congress as it investigates why the tax agency was inappropriately targeting conservative groups that opposed Obama and other Democrats.
Rand Paul: Obama “Drunk on Power” (+video)
/4 Comments/in Featured, Video /by News EditorSenator Rand Paul hits a home run in this interview with Sean Hannity last night. Sen. Paul describes Obama’s presidency as “failing.” He also says that the President is “drunk with power.”
IRS Approved Obama’s Brother’s “Shady” Charity in Record Time (+video)
/5 Comments/in Featured, Video /by Charles C. JohnsonLois Lerner, the senior IRS official at the center of the decision to target tea party groups for burdensome tax scrutiny, signed paperwork granting tax-exempt status to the Barack H. Obama Foundation.
‘Spirit of the Cold War’: Russia Says US Diplomat was Trying to Recruit for CIA (+video)
/0 Comments/in Featured, Video /by nna Nemtsova, Robert Windrem, Alastair Jamieson and Erin McClamEvoking the spy games of the Cold War, Russia said Tuesday that it had detained an American diplomat who was carrying cash, two wigs and technical equipment and was trying to recruit a Russian intelligence official to work for the CIA.
Navy Launches First Ever Drone From Carrier (+videos)
/0 Comments/in Featured, Video /by BRENDAN MCGARRYThe U.S. Navy for the first time launched a drone from an aircraft carrier in what officials hailed as a historic milestone in naval aviation.
Father Dies After Begging For Life While Cops Struck Him With Batons; Cellphone Videos Seized
/11 Comments/in Featured, Video /by Liz KlimasA California father of four died after being beaten by police outside of a Bakersfield hospital, while witnesses say he begged for his life.
19 Shot in Mother’s Day Shooting in Louisiana (+video)
/4 Comments/in Featured, Video /by Monica HernandezIt started out with the sound of music and ended with the sound of gunshots. Read what happened here.