Common Core Fallout: Homeschooling Rates Are Rising

Photo Credit: TownHall

Photo Credit: TownHall

Despite the (at times) acrimonious debate surrounding Common Core, the federal government’s national solution to improving education outcomes, it’s worth noting that the controversial program is drawing some level of bipartisan support.

Most notably, perhaps, presumptive 2016 presidential candidate Jeb Bush isvery much in favor of it, as are a number of other prominent Republicans. Nevertheless, as Fox News reports, many parents are outraged and alarmed by Common Core, which they perceive is creating a progressive-friendly and impossible-to-understand new curriculum. As a result, it seems, they’re pulling their kids out of public schools in droves:

The home-schooling boom is getting a new push due to opposition to Common Core, the controversial national education standard that some parents’ claim is using their children’s public school lessons to push a political agenda, according to critics of the Washington-backed curriculum.

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