Legislative Proposal to Rebate Alaska Property Taxes for Private and Home Schoolers
This legislative proposal will permit boroughs to rebate a portion of a parent’s property tax if he or she is either homeschooling their children or enrolled them in a private school.
But first we have to determine what’s fair.
Let’s say, for example, that 70% of your property taxes go toward funding your local public school district. But out of your own pocket, without any exogenous financial assistance, you’re also paying for your child’s enrollment in a private school.
You’ve paid for your child’s education, twice. Is that fair? Why or why not? If it isn’t fair, how much of that 70% should go toward your child’s education? All of it? Part of it? Why?
If you’re separately paying for your child’s non-public education, are you still obligated to pay into the public school system? Why?
What if you’re homeschooling your children and forsake employment in order to provide your children with a quality education? In some cases, that means that the homeschooling parent paid three times for the cost of an education, if you include the sacrifice of income.
During the latter half of this month, we’ll conduct a teleconference comment session in regards to our legislative proposal. If you would like to participate, please RSVP to [email protected] and we’ll reply with the date, time, and telephone number.
Our teleconference will focus on the issues that support the equitability of the proposal. In other words, we’ll try to ascertain what is considered to be a fair amount and who should qualify for a rebate.
We’ve formed an independent committee that is chaired by Mrs. Nicole Gates. Her committee will consolidate the input and feedback, evaluate the morals, ethics, values, and principles of each issue raised, and submit their recommendations that will be incorporated into the proposal. Please contact [email protected] if you’d like to serve on that committee.