Dr. Mercola: Expect an ‘Avalanche’ of ‘Contagious’ COVID-Shot Dementia

Dr. Joseph Mercola, an expert on natural health remedies and avowed critic of the government-mandated COVID shots that were imposed on the American public during the pandemic, now is warning about the evidence of a link between those mRNA shots and dementia.

At his Mercola.com website, he discusses his research and research by others into the links, often devastating, that are being confirmed between the COVID shots that so many governments and corporations demanded citizens take, and some very bad health outcomes. . .

“According to mounting data, one of the more serious side effects of the COVID mRNA jabs appears to be dementia, and worse yet, this previously untransmissible disease may now be ‘contagious,’ transmissible by way of prions,” he warned.

“In my 2021 interview with Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., she explained why she suspected the COVID shots may eventually result in an avalanche of neurological prion-based diseases such as Alzheimer’s. She also published a paper detailing those mechanisms in the May 10, 2021, issue of the International Journal of Vaccine Theory.”

He noted in that paper she wrote, “A paper published by J. Bart Classen (2021) proposed that the spike protein in the mRNA vaccines could cause prion-like diseases, in part through its ability to bind to many known proteins and induce their misfolding into potential prions. Idrees and Kumar (2021) have proposed that the spike protein’s S1 component is prone to act as a functional amyloid and form toxic aggregates … and can ultimately lead to neurodegeneration.” (Read more from “Dr. Mercola: Expect an ‘Avalanche’ of ‘Contagious’ COVID-Shot Dementia” HERE)