Thomas Jefferson Was Right

Picture - Thomas JeffersonI was honored to receive the endorsement of Alaska Right to Life this past week.

Government has been given a sacred trust to protect life, especially the lives of the innocent and most vulnerable among us. This trust is recognized in both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

In announcing the group’s endorsement, Alaska Right to Life stated, “The pro-life position Joe Miller takes isn’t merely a common political platitude, but is centered in the core of who he is. Joe will be a champion for the pro-life cause in Washington and is exactly the caliber of man we need representing Alaska in the US Senate.”

This much I pledge to you, on the first day that I am sworn in as Alaska’s next senator, I will co-sponsor Senator Rand Paul’s Life at Conception Act. Science now matches what faith has taught us for thousands of years: life begins when we are knit together in the womb.

Alaska is long overdue for representation in the United States Senate that respects life. Mark Begich has been a rubber stamp for Barack Obama’s radical judicial nominees and voted with Harry Reid for the so-called “nuclear option,” which allows the most anti-life President in American history to continue to pack the federal bench with judges who have no regard for the life of the unborn.

One of Begich’s first “yes” votes following the nuclear option last fall was to confirm Nina Pillard to the DC Circuit Court in a 51-44 middle of the night disgrace. Pillard wrote concerning abortion, “Casting reproductive rights in terms of equality holds promise to re-center the debate…away from the deceptive images of fetus-as-autonomous-being that the anti-choice movement has popularized…”

Begich also voted for New Hampshire Democrat Jeanne Shaheen’s amendment last year upholding the ObamaCare HHS contraception mandate. This onerous regulation requires businesses to provide coverage that includes abortion inducing drugs, regardless of deeply held religious convictions.

Over 56 million babies have been aborted since the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe vs. Wade in 1973. Last year in Alaska alone, approximately fourteen hundred were denied the opportunity to take their first breath and become the people they were created to be. This national tragedy must end.

The words of Thomas Jefferson ring through time: “the God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever.”

On this special weekend, when we remember the life, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, may we all be renewed to do our part to allow His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.

God bless you and yours this Easter!