Senator Cotton Fires Back at Clinton on Social Media over Iran Nuke Letter

Republican Sen. Tom Cotton sparred Wednesday with Hillary Clinton on Twitter, after the former secretary of state slammed an open letter he and other GOP senators sent to Iran’s leaders about ongoing nuclear talks.

The Republican senators’ statement has become the subject of immense controversy, as it challenged President Obama’s authority to strike a nuclear deal and cautioned Iran’s leaders that any agreement would need congressional approval in order to necessarily last beyond Obama’s term.

Clinton, who is widely expected to enter the presidential race in the coming months, tweeted a warning to those potential Republican candidates who have praised the letter.

GOP letter to Iranian clerics undermines American leadership. No one considering running for commander-in-chief should be signing on.


Arkansas Sen. Cotton fired back.

No, .@HillaryClinton, letter to Iran helps protect USA from bad deal. No CINC should allow world’s worst regimes to get world’s worst weapon


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Democrats have slammed the Republicans’ letter as a diplomatic no-no, claiming they effectively undermined the U.S. president on the world stage. Vice President Biden said earlier this week that “the decision to undercut our President and circumvent our constitutional system offends me as a matter of principle.” (Read more from “Senator Cotton Fires Back at Clinton on Social Media over Iran Nuke Letter” HERE)

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