40,000 Iranian agents on American’s Doorstep, Awaiting Orders from Tehran
Iran has expanded its terror network and now has tens of thousands of agents in Latin America, according to a former Iranian official who has witnessed the regime’s crimes against humanity inside Iran and has knowledge of its terror network targeting the West.
In interviews with the opposition outside Iran, the official revealed that more than 40,000 of the regime’s security, intelligence and propaganda forces successfully have been placed over time in Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador and Venezuela.
These forces consist mostly of former interrogators, torturers and security forces along with the members of the Quds Forces.
Many of them, according to the source, are other nationalities, such as Afghans, Lebanese, Iraqis and Somalis.
Hassan Rahim Pour Azghodi, a member of The Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution in Iran and a noted ideologist and theorist of the Islamic regime who visited Ecuador, Venezuela and several other Latin American countries last year, is a former interrogator and a torturer who is now a close adviser of Ghassem Soliemani, the chief commander of the Quds Forces, the source said.
Read more from this story HERE.
Photo credit: Stop the Inhumanity