Watch: Undercover Journalists Reveal Rampant Vote Fraud in US Primary

The 2016 United States presidential primary started with last week’s caucuses in Iowa, and has continued this week in New Hampshire–but not without controversy.

As Western Journalism reported, much controversy exists over the caucus results from Iowa. And now, more controversy is emerging from the Granite State.

Undercover journalists from Project Veritas Action, armed with hidden video cameras, captured state election officials, campaign officials, and campaign workers in what one could say borders on voter fraud . . .

In another revealing conversation, Donna Waterman (a Bernie Sanders campaign staffer) confessed that even out-of-state campaign workers vote in the New Hampshire primary. “All of our paid canvassers have done it, It’s very, very, easy.” Continuing on, Waterman added: “I don’t know the legality of it. Perhaps it’s voter fraud.”

James O’Keefe, head of Project Veritas Action, then confronted a few of the individuals seen in the video; but mum was the reaction he received, even being told to leave at one point.

It appears, from the different answers to the residency questions, that no one interviewed really seemed to know how long one had to have been a resident of New Hampshire in order to vote; and no one seemed to know how long one had to stay in the state for their vote to have been valid. Likewise, no one appeared to be concerned with issues of voter identification. (Read more from “Watch: Undercover Journalists Reveal the Scary Truth About U.S. Elections” HERE)

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