Feds Emboldened After Killing Finicum, Now Rounding Up, Jailing 2014 Nevada Protesters
In a surprising turn of events, several of Cliven Bundy’s supporters during his 2014 faceoff with federal law enforcement may soon face criminal complaints of their own. Cliven Bundy was arrested this week on a federal complaint arising from his armed interactions with the feds at his ranch in 2014. In the complaint, the government filed six different charges against Bundy and listed four unnamed co-conspirators. The complaint also describes many others who allegedly aided and abetted Cliven Bundy but doesn’t name them.
In a special radio report, the president of Oath Keepers, Stewart Rhodes, discussed with retired Sheriff Denny Peyman and Forward Observer editor Sam Culper the likelihood that dozens of Cliven Bundy’s supporters may also be under indictment and face arrest warrants. They observed that the federal complaint against Cliven Bundy is broad enough many of those who traveled to Nevada to support Bundy in 2014 could very well be arrested on similar charges.
The Patriot Report’s Jason Van Tatenhove claims that he’s identified as many as 68 Bundy supporters who may have federal warrants out for their arrest. Supporting his theory, at least one Bundy supporter has been arrested for what appears to be very minor actions. Specifically, Blaine Cooper was arrested and is now facing a charge of “conspiracy to impede officers of the United States.” This charge is very similar to Cliven Bundy’s and others.
All this comes on the heels of the revelation this week that Cliven Bundy’s son, Ammon, has been held in a tiny cell, in virtual round-the-clock solitary confinement, since his arrest until recently. This incredibly punitive treatment by the feds against a man who has only been charged with conspiracy and poses no danger to others (or himself) is incredibly disturbing.
Perhaps more disturbing is the fact that the federal government would pursue arrests and long prison terms for people who are trying to protect their land from the feds and simply wish to restore the rule of law and the Constitution to their rightful place.