Walker Sees Cruz Victory Over Trump in Wisconsin Resetting Republican Race

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker said voters in his state are about to shift the dynamic of the Republican presidential race.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz is on the verge of a victory in Wisconsin that would propel him to the nomination, Walker told Mark Halperin and John Heilemann in an interview set to air Friday on Bloomberg Television’s With All Due Respect.

“I really believe looking at the momentum in this state—and certainly we’ve tried to help create some of that—Ted Cruz wins on Tuesday,” Walker said. “That’s the momentum shift. I think that starts him down the path toward people seeing, hey, this has really devolved into a two-person race.”

A Marquette University Law School poll released Wednesday showed Cruz with a 10-point lead over Donald Trump in Wisconsin, where 42 delegates are up for grabs in Tuesday’s primary. Trump is leading the Republican race with 736 delegates, compared 463 for Cruz, the Associated Press estimates. A candidate needs 1,237 to win the nomination.

Walker, a Republican who has endorsed Cruz, declined to criticize Trump during the interview. Instead, Walker kept his focus on what he sees as Cruz’s positives. (Read more from “Walker Sees Cruz Victory Over Trump in Wisconsin Resetting Republican Race” HERE)

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