Bill Kristol Should Man up or Shut Up

The #NeverTrump movement needs to get a grip.

The Weekly Standard’s open letter is an example of how desperate the #NeverTrump people have become. Anti-Trump Derangement Syndrome has infected the conservative movement and motivated many anti-Trumpers to embarrass themselves.

Jay Cost wrote a piece titled “An Open Letter to Mitt Romney.” This is basically an open letter to Mitt Romney desperately begging him to run for president. It is truly humiliating that the web site has sunk to the level of writing an open letter to a politician in an effort to shame him into a Kamikaze mission targeting the Republican nominee for President Donald Trump.

Although Cost makes the case that Romney is needed to be the statesman to stand against both Trump and Hillary Clinton, we all know that the primary objective is to stop Trump. If this effort is somehow successful, it will usher Hillary Clinton into the White House. Not coincidentally, Clinton has a foreign policy view that is much closer to the hawkish nation-building views of the Weekly Standard than that of the more restrained Donald Trump.

In the Weekly Standard open letter to Mitt Romney, Cost writes:

I write you not as a fellow conservative, not as a fellow partisan, but as a citizen of our republic. You have served your nation admirably for many years and by any ordinary standard are entitled to a happy retirement. But these are extraordinary times, and your nation still has need of your service. I respectfully implore you to run for president as an independent candidate in 2016.

Mitt Romney ran in the last election cycle and lost as a Republican. He would effectively be a write-in spoiler for the Republican Party under your scenario. Clearly, Romney could not win, but the candidacy would serve the purposes of the angry #NeverTrump gang.

Romney was the Republican nominee in the last election cycle, yet Cost argues for him to be the anti-Republican nominee candidate in this cycle.

Jay Cost writes the following:

Governor Romney, there is nobody else but you who is capable of such a bid. It is a credit to your modesty and sense of decency that you demurred and instead tried persuade others to run. But there really is nobody else. General James Mattis, Senators Ben Sasse and Tom Coburn, and David French are all estimable men, but the enormity of the task was too great for them to accept. Only you possess the experience, the political network, the good health, and the time to dedicate to this great endeavor. Only you have the standing with the voters to endure the assaults of Trump and Clinton.

The Republican voters have spoken and they chose Donald Trump. None of the candidates mentioned ran this cycle. Bill Kristol needs to grow a pair and run for president. It is easy to beg and cajole every other conservative under the sun to run as an independent against Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, yet it deifies logic that anybody would do something that Kristol, over at the Weekly Standard, is unwilling to do himself.

So, William Kristol –should man up and run for President or shut up.

One of the more cringe-worthy aspects of Cost’s piece was the following:

This is an incredible request, but you know that some Americans are called by Providence to give more than others. George Washington defended his nation during the Seven Years War, led it to independence in the Revolution, and by 1788 he wanted only to retire to his beloved Mount Vernon. But the nation needed him to launch the new government, so he answered the call. Four years later, he again wished for nothing more than the peaceful life of a country planter, but the harmony of the fragile union required yet another commitment from him. Again, he answered the call.

So Mitt Romney is the second coming of George Washington? I don’t think even Mitt Romney would be comfortable with that comparison. The open letter only serves the purpose as a magnificent troll of the media as MSNBC, Fox News and CNN will pivot to the piece.

Mark my words, before the end of this election cycle – the Weekly Standard will officially endorse Hillary Clinton for President of the United States. Ultimately, many on the #NeverTrump bandwagon will end up being pro-Hillary – some are already there. (For more from the author of “Bill Kristol Should Man up or Shut Up” please click HERE)

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