Feminists Stage Bloody Fake Abortion on Woman Dressed as Virgin Mary

Feminists in pink masks pretended to commit an abortion on a woman dressed as the Virgin Mary outside a northern Argentina cathedral as part of an International Women’s Day protest last week.

A photo of the protest shows what looks like blood and body parts gushing from between the Virgin Mary’s legs, facilitated by the pink mask-wearing feminists. The woman dressed as the Virgin Mary holds a fist in the air. She appears to be smiling and wearing a rosary around her neck . . .

The photo of the “performance art” was circulated on social media. Clarin and a Spanish EWTN affiliate reported that Tucuman Archbishop Alfredo Zecca condemned it . . .

“It is with great sadness that we read about this highly offensive protest in Argentina,” Maureen Ferguson of The Catholic Association told LifeSiteNews. “It is gravely disrespectful to mock the faith of billions of people in the woman whom National Geographic recently described as ‘The Most Powerful Woman in the World’ in its cover story on the Virgin Mary. It is also highly ironic for a feminist march protesting femicide to advocate for the right to take human lives, including the lives of female babies. Annually about 25 million little girls are aborted worldwide.” (Read more from “Feminists Stage Bloody Fake Abortion on Woman Dressed as Virgin Mary” HERE)

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