Abortion Rates in the U.S. Have Significantly Decreased

Abortion rates are the lowest they’ve been in a decade, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Abortions that were reported from 2006 to 2015 in participating areas fell 24 percent, from 842,855 to 638,169. . .

Rachel Jones, the principal research scientist for the Guttmacher Institute, told The Washington Post, that she believes the decline can be attributed to more widespread contraceptive use as well as less access to abortion.

“Analyses have suggested that improved contraceptive use played a role in the long-term declines. In some states, decreased access to abortion services contributed, as well,” she commented.

Chuck Donovan, president of the Charlotte Lozier Institute, the research arm of the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List, argued that the decline may be due to an increase in women deciding to carry unintended pregnancies to term as well as more prevalent pro-life views.

“A higher percentage of women today decide to carry an unexpected pregnancy to term,” he said, “teenagers are less sexually active and with fewer partners, pro-life views are more prevalent among the rising generation than they were 40 years ago.” (Read more from “Abortion Rates in the U.S. Have Significantly Decreased” HERE)

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