Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Targeted by Mystery Multimillionaire Donor

By Fox News. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s surging national profile has inspired a trio of Republican opponents from her home district — along with a multimillionaire mystery donor who could help close the gap in her foes’ long-shot race against her.

Just three months after taking office, the Democratic socialist congresswoman’s challengers include an Egyptian American journalist, who has already tossed her hat in the ring, and an NYPD cop-turned-high-school-civics teacher and conservative talk-radio producer, both of whom are seriously exploring a run against her.

And the fledgling challengers could get help from a wealthy New Yorker committed to backing an Ocasio-Cortez opponent, a GOP big said. . .

“There’s definitely national energy and money on this race,” Bronx Republican Chairman Mike Rendino told The Post, adding that he has been in touch with a mega-bucks donor hell-bent on getting AOC tossed. (Read more from “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Targeted by Mystery Multimillionaire Donor” HERE)


The Democratic Party Is Cracking Down on Candidates Who Hope to Be the Next Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

By Business Insider. In late February, Lindsey Boylan, a former adviser to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, received a pointed email from a powerful acquaintance.

The sender, a prominent Democratic party donor and activist, told Boylan that her plan to run for the Democratic nomination against incumbent Rep. Jerry Nadler of New York was a lost cause, and that she may have already “seriously impaired” her political future by simply considering the challenge. . .

Nadler is one of at least seven Democratic incumbents in New York alone who will likely face a primary challenge this cycle. One progressive New York consulting firm told INSIDER it’s considering putting together a primary tracker because they’ve been contacted by so many potential candidates.

There will likely be an uptick in Democratic primary challengers across the country after Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley managed to defeat sitting Democrats in New York and Massachusetts last year.

But those efforts may face strong headwinds with a distracting presidential primary and new efforts by the Democratic party to protect its incumbent members. (Read more from “The Democratic Party Is Cracking Down on Candidates Who Hope to Be the Next Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez” HERE)

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