Teacher Union Leader Says ‘White Supremacy’ Fuels Reopening Efforts

The leader of a teachers union in Washington state is facing criticism after he said that reopening efforts are fueled by “white supremacy” and concerns over lockdown suicides were “white privilege.”

Scott Wilson, the president of the Pasco Association of Educators, made the comments during a Jan. 12 school board meeting, according to the Tri-City Herald.

“We must not ignore the culture of white supremacy and white privilege. We have seen it in the ‘free to breathe,’ reopen everything, rodeos and rallies that received county commissioner support. The same county commissioner directs our health,” Wilson said.

“No one wants remote learning, but it is the right thing to do. We know the equity concerns, virus transmission is high, heading higher, with so many ignoring and avoiding measures to stop the spread, remote learning is the right decision,” he added. . .

“They complain their students are suicidal without school or sports,” said Wilson. “As a father daily surviving the suicide of my son, I find these statements ignorant and another expression of white privilege. Huge daily death tolls from this pandemic, seditious attacks on our Capitol, plus a new, more transmittable strain of the virus while our case numbers are rising again.” (Read more from “Teacher Union Leader Says ‘White Supremacy’ Fuels Reopening Efforts” HERE)

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