Biden Reads Out ‘Pause’ Instruction During Speech; Bizarrely Lies About Trump Giving Him Boots

President Joe Biden or President Ron Burgundy?

In a case of life imitating art, the commander-in-chief blurted out the stage note “pause” Wednesday while addressing union members in the nation’s

“Four more years. Pause,” said Biden, 81, a la Will Ferrell’s buffoonish newsman character in the classic 2004 comedy “Anchorman.”

Members of North America’s Building Trades Unions stepped in and dutifully chanted “four more years” in response to the president’s botched cue.

It was not immediately clear whether the instruction was included in Biden’s teleprompter or in his prepared remarks.

The gaffe was one of a series of bizarre moments that peppered the speech, including Biden saying his predecessor, Donald Trump, had given him a pair of boots as a present. (Read more from “Biden Reads Out ‘Pause’ Instruction During Speech; Bizarrely Lies About Trump Giving Him Boots” HERE)

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore via Flickr