Watch and Learn: This Potential Pro-Trump Juror Shows Exactly Why Conservatives Always Lose… (VIDEO)

People on the right often ask, “Why do we keep losing?” That’s a loaded question with many layers to it, so much so that we could spend all day unpacking the reasons. But to simplify things, we’ve found a video clip that perfectly captures why conservatives lose. It zeroes in on the current Trump show trial in New York City. Here, the former president is battling to get a fair trial in the liberal-run chaos of Manhattan. It’s a clear, concise example that shows just how steep the hill we have to climb really is and how we constantly shoot ourselves in the foot, thanks to misguided conservative virtue.

In this clip, you’ll see a woman who, at first glance, seems like she’d be the perfect juror for Trump. She appeared favorable to him but declined to serve because she didn’t think she could be impartial. Many conservatives might see this and think, “That’s just us doing the right, constitutional thing.” But that’s where we’re missing the mark. In this ongoing battle with the left, simply playing by the rules isn’t going to cut it. We keep getting knocked down because the left isn’t playing the same game. They aren’t concerned with rules or the Constitution; they’re focused on crushing their enemies and winning at all costs, and it’s working.

Does this mean we need to throw out all the rules and become lawless like them? Not exactly, but we need to recognize that we’re in a war. Playing on an “invisible high road” just to feel virtuous in front of the camera isn’t helping us win. While we preach about morality, left-wing activist judges and jurors are steamrolling over us and the principles our country stands for.

This woman is what you’d call a principled young lady, and she’s a perfect example of why we lose. This is the principled defeat we always hear about. She’s probably very nice and conscientious, but in this case, she’s totally and completely wrong. Watch the above clip, study it, and understand why—even well-meaning and ethical behavior can lead us to defeat if we’re not careful about the bigger picture and who exactly we’re battling. (Read more from “Watch and Learn: This Potential Pro-Trump Juror Shows Exactly Why Conservatives Always Lose… (VIDEO)” HERE)