Hospital in Zimbabwe Where Desperately Poor Women Are Charged $5 Every Time They Scream During Childbirth
Poor women have been exploited at their most vulnerable time by a hospital that charged them $5 every time they screamed during child birth.
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But we are proud to say that Scott Graves contributed 46 entries already.
Poor women have been exploited at their most vulnerable time by a hospital that charged them $5 every time they screamed during child birth.
Although nobody knows yet whether former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin plans to announce her candidacy at her much-anticipated Iowa speech tomorrow at noon, details of the speech’s substance are beginning to emerge. ABC’s Shushannah Walshe and Sheila Marikar report, citing unnamed sources, that Palin will offer a “full-throated defense of the Tea Party.” “Regardless of […]
Summer is a time of strong memories. Memories of sunshine, lemonade, and bicycles flood our minds. Summertime is the season when our youth is so close we can almost reach out and touch it. This summer we have been extra reflective, the marriage of our first child and the contemplation of our parents mortality have […]
The Sunday August 28 issue of The Kansas City Star, a McClatchy newspaper, devoted several pages of section A to the 150th anniversary of the Civil War. Among the stories was “The Civil War at 150: The past in the present?” by David W. Blight, a professor of history at Yale. Mr. Blight begins his essay asking: […]
In recent days, freedom-loving Americans who support the Tea Party have been called racists, been told to go to hell, and have been accussed of wanting to hang blacks on trees. The mass media has contributed to this defamation, blaming the tea party for the debt downgrade, as well as many problems that plague America […]
While Barack Obama is the first president not to personally address or assign a top-tier representative to the Veterans of Foreign Wars‘ annual convention, not every organization has received the same shabby treatment as the military. White House spokesman Adam Abramsclaimed Obama snubbed the VFW because he “receives many speaking requests throughout the year, but he is unable to […]
Congressman Allen West (R – Florida) shares his reaction to the recent militant statements made by fellow members of the Congressional Black Caucus.
After hours of conflicting reports, organizers confirmed potential presidential candidate Sarah Palin will speak at a Tea Party rally in Iowa. Consultants from Palin’s team threatened to withdraw her from the rally if former Delaware Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell were present at the event, Politico reported. O’Donnell was uninvited from the rally, scheduled for Saturday in Indianola, Iowa, late […]
Hollywood frets about paparazzi trying to break into Kim Kardashian’s wedding. And Washington is beset by President Obama trying to crash the House chamber. It’s likely that such a maneuver would have failed to impress Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson. The Salahis may have scoffed for its sheer lack of audacity.But worst of all, Emily […]