Congressman and former Colonel Allen West on Fox and Friends talks about the release of the terrorist “Daqduq” by the Iraqi government. He calls it an utter betrayal which it is. 11:15:182016-04-11 11:29:50Video: Allen West- Release of Terrorist “Utter Betrayal”
Barack Obama’s former pastor and mentor Jeremiah Wright told author Ed Klein of The Amateur that Barack Obama has done nothing for the black community. Wright also said Obama was selected. Klein played the audio yesterday on the Sean Hannity radio show. 10:53:582016-04-11 11:29:51Video: Rev. Wright- Obama Has Done Nothing For Blacks
Chairman of First Solar Admits to House Subcommittee that his company created more jobs overseas than in America, after receiving DOE loans. Just another example of politicians spending your money wisely! 11:12:532016-04-11 11:29:52Video: Taxpayer Dollar Recipient Creates More Jobs Overseas Than In America
Just as we predicted. This campaign is already getting nasty. In a vicious ad Barack Obama’s campaign begins the targeting of Bain Capital style capitalism calling Mitt Romney a Vampire. This ad is so shameless even Obama Auto Czar Steve Rattner says it goes too far. USA Today reported about the Obama ad: President Obama’s […] 12:55:422016-04-11 11:29:53Videos: New Obama Ad Calls Romney A Vampire
Orthopedic Surgeon and AAPS President Lee Hieb, MD explains to John Stossel why restoring a free market in U.S. medical care will increase access to care, lower costs and improve quality. Government involvement in health care hurts patients. 22:09:462016-04-11 11:29:54VIDEO: ObamaCare and the Road to Serfdom
Greta Van Susteren covers the House Committee on Oversight & Government Reform hearing, which examined the vacancies in the Inspectors General community within the federal government. 10:23:382016-04-11 11:29:54Video: Who Is Watching Your Tax Dollars? 11:21:202016-04-11 11:29:55Video: Robin Roberts Got ‘Chills’ While Discussing Obama’s Gay Marriage Announcement
Accuracy in Media’s Center for Investigative Journalism released a report detailing the strategies, ongoing efforts and results of systematic vote fraud and intimidation in American elections. From Cloward Piven and ACORN to the host of Soros-funded foundations bent on “fundamental transformation,” AIM sheds light on electoral rigging – unlike the mainstream press. 13:14:252016-04-11 11:29:57Video: Progressive Vote Fraud And Intimidation Exposed
A frustrated Jake Tapper, clearly weary of the president’s ‘evolving’ position on gay marriage, tackled the question again at the White House press briefing. 11:05:152016-04-11 11:29:58Video: Jake Tapper Vs Jay Carney On Obama’s Stance On Gay Marriage
Speaking To The Washington Post’s Peter Wallsten, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka Said He Has Conversations With President Obama And His Staff About His Potential Second Term Agenda. WALLSTEN: “Have you had specific conversations with President Obama about what his agenda in a second term might be?” TRUMKA: “We have, I have had conversations with the […] 14:02:252016-04-11 11:29:59Video: AFL-CIO President Knows More About Obama’s Second Term Agenda Than You 14:02:202016-04-11 11:30:00Video: Issa Lays Out Contempt of Congress Charges for Eric Holder Regarding Fast and Furious 13:20:392016-04-11 11:30:01Video: Obama’s Broken Promises- Jobs And The Economy
A blind Chinese activist left the US embassy and went into a Beijing hospital after China gave officials promises about his safety. But a friend of Chen Guangcheng says he was pressured, and agreed to stay in China to protect his family. 10:23:522016-04-11 11:30:03Video: Blind Chinese Activist Leaves US Embassy
Here is a video which shows how desperate the fiscal situation is in America. Our useless leaders fight over scraps on the Titanic as we head into the night. 11:26:192016-04-11 11:30:05Video: USA Will Implode With Debt
Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly challenged The Washington Post’s Faith Editor Sally Quinn in her defense of NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell acting as both a reporter and commentator. 11:24:302016-04-11 11:30:06Video: O’Reilly Takes NBC News To Task Over Media Bias
After four years of a celebrity president, is your life any better? 13:26:592016-04-11 11:30:06Video: Is Obama Our First Celebrity President?
How exactly the United States of America has come to this point is a question that will be asked by future generations—if in fact America continues as a democracy. For, if we continue on this path, elections will be seen by elites as an arcane exercise in futility. Like Obama’s endless refrain regarding Congress—’If they won’t […] 13:29:542016-04-11 11:30:07Video: Is The United States Conducting Its Elections Like A Third World Puppet Government?
I would highly recommend you share this video with your friends, as this is a basic explanation of the recent GSA scandal. It is also a good illustration of how flawed Obama’s big government policies are. 11:46:262016-04-11 11:30:08Video: New Ad uses Solyndra and GSA to bring it to Obama
The third installment of the Obama Files video series on the U.S. Government’s so-called “botched” gun-running scandal. We give an introduction to the role Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano and the ATF played in the perfidious plan to disarm America. Based on the recently published groundbreaking book that may blow the cover […] 14:00:402016-04-11 11:30:09Video: Feigned Ignorance of Fast and Furious in the Obama Administration 13:59:522016-04-11 11:30:11Video: Catholic Bishop- Obama Like Hitler, Stalin
Part 1 of a video series based on the recently published groundbreaking book Fast and Furious: Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal and Its Shameless Cover-up by Katie Pavlich. This is the book that may blow the lid off of the Obama Administration’s covert plan to disarm America and may bring down the Obama Presidency. The murder […] 13:52:452016-04-11 11:30:12Video: Tales From Fast and Furious- The Murder of an American Citizen And Obama’s Radical Views On Guns
In this animated video excerpt from the movie, “I want your Money,” we learn why socialism doesn’t work from the Ronald Reagan himself. If you miss this video, you are missing a great treat. 13:44:112016-04-11 11:30:13Video: Reagan Vs. Obama – Social Economics 101
Video: Allen West- Release of Terrorist “Utter Betrayal”
/6 Comments/in Video /by newseditorCongressman and former Colonel Allen West on Fox and Friends talks about the release of the terrorist “Daqduq” by the Iraqi government. He calls it an utter betrayal which it is.
Video: Rev. Wright- Obama Has Done Nothing For Blacks
/6 Comments/in Video /by newseditorBarack Obama’s former pastor and mentor Jeremiah Wright told author Ed Klein of The Amateur that Barack Obama has done nothing for the black community. Wright also said Obama was selected. Klein played the audio yesterday on the Sean Hannity radio show.
Video: Taxpayer Dollar Recipient Creates More Jobs Overseas Than In America
/4 Comments/in Video /by newseditorChairman of First Solar Admits to House Subcommittee that his company created more jobs overseas than in America, after receiving DOE loans. Just another example of politicians spending your money wisely!
Video: Obama Campaigning In ’04: Deficit Is “An Enormous Problem”
/3 Comments/in Video /by newseditorVideos: New Obama Ad Calls Romney A Vampire
/2 Comments/in Video /by newseditorJust as we predicted. This campaign is already getting nasty. In a vicious ad Barack Obama’s campaign begins the targeting of Bain Capital style capitalism calling Mitt Romney a Vampire. This ad is so shameless even Obama Auto Czar Steve Rattner says it goes too far. USA Today reported about the Obama ad: President Obama’s […]
VIDEO: ObamaCare and the Road to Serfdom
/0 Comments/in Health Care, Kathleen's Korner, News, Video /by kathleenOrthopedic Surgeon and AAPS President Lee Hieb, MD explains to John Stossel why restoring a free market in U.S. medical care will increase access to care, lower costs and improve quality. Government involvement in health care hurts patients.
Video: Who Is Watching Your Tax Dollars?
/3 Comments/in Video /by newseditorGreta Van Susteren covers the House Committee on Oversight & Government Reform hearing, which examined the vacancies in the Inspectors General community within the federal government.
Video: Robin Roberts Got ‘Chills’ While Discussing Obama’s Gay Marriage Announcement
/6 Comments/in Video /by newseditorVideo: Progressive Vote Fraud And Intimidation Exposed
/1 Comment/in Video /by newseditorAccuracy in Media’s Center for Investigative Journalism released a report detailing the strategies, ongoing efforts and results of systematic vote fraud and intimidation in American elections. From Cloward Piven and ACORN to the host of Soros-funded foundations bent on “fundamental transformation,” AIM sheds light on electoral rigging – unlike the mainstream press.
Video: Jake Tapper Vs Jay Carney On Obama’s Stance On Gay Marriage
/0 Comments/in Video /by newseditorA frustrated Jake Tapper, clearly weary of the president’s ‘evolving’ position on gay marriage, tackled the question again at the White House press briefing.
Video: AFL-CIO President Knows More About Obama’s Second Term Agenda Than You
/0 Comments/in Video /by newseditorSpeaking To The Washington Post’s Peter Wallsten, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka Said He Has Conversations With President Obama And His Staff About His Potential Second Term Agenda. WALLSTEN: “Have you had specific conversations with President Obama about what his agenda in a second term might be?” TRUMKA: “We have, I have had conversations with the […]
Video: Issa Lays Out Contempt of Congress Charges for Eric Holder Regarding Fast and Furious
/5 Comments/in Video /by newseditorVideo: Obama’s Broken Promises- Jobs And The Economy
/3 Comments/in Video /by newseditorVideo: Blind Chinese Activist Leaves US Embassy
/0 Comments/in Video /by newseditorA blind Chinese activist left the US embassy and went into a Beijing hospital after China gave officials promises about his safety. But a friend of Chen Guangcheng says he was pressured, and agreed to stay in China to protect his family.
Video: MSNBC Panel Promotes New Obama Campaign Slogan
/2 Comments/in Video /by newseditorVideo: USA Will Implode With Debt
/5 Comments/in Video /by newseditorHere is a video which shows how desperate the fiscal situation is in America. Our useless leaders fight over scraps on the Titanic as we head into the night.
Video: O’Reilly Takes NBC News To Task Over Media Bias
/3 Comments/in Video /by newseditorFox News’ Bill O’Reilly challenged The Washington Post’s Faith Editor Sally Quinn in her defense of NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell acting as both a reporter and commentator.
Video: Is Obama Our First Celebrity President?
/2 Comments/in Video /by newseditorAfter four years of a celebrity president, is your life any better?
Video: Is The United States Conducting Its Elections Like A Third World Puppet Government?
/1 Comment/in Video /by newseditorHow exactly the United States of America has come to this point is a question that will be asked by future generations—if in fact America continues as a democracy. For, if we continue on this path, elections will be seen by elites as an arcane exercise in futility. Like Obama’s endless refrain regarding Congress—’If they won’t […]
Video: New Ad uses Solyndra and GSA to bring it to Obama
/4 Comments/in Video /by newseditorI would highly recommend you share this video with your friends, as this is a basic explanation of the recent GSA scandal. It is also a good illustration of how flawed Obama’s big government policies are.
Video: Feigned Ignorance of Fast and Furious in the Obama Administration
/1 Comment/in Video /by newseditorThe third installment of the Obama Files video series on the U.S. Government’s so-called “botched” gun-running scandal. We give an introduction to the role Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano and the ATF played in the perfidious plan to disarm America. Based on the recently published groundbreaking book that may blow the cover […]
Video: Shhh, Don’t Tell Anyone, But Glaciers Are Growing!
/4 Comments/in Video /by newseditorHow will the global warming baloney squad of corrupt scientists deal with this? Al Gore, get your parka out.
Video: Catholic Bishop- Obama Like Hitler, Stalin
/3 Comments/in Video /by newseditorVideo: Tales From Fast and Furious- The Murder of an American Citizen And Obama’s Radical Views On Guns
/1 Comment/in Video /by newseditorPart 1 of a video series based on the recently published groundbreaking book Fast and Furious: Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal and Its Shameless Cover-up by Katie Pavlich. This is the book that may blow the lid off of the Obama Administration’s covert plan to disarm America and may bring down the Obama Presidency. The murder […]
Video: Reagan Vs. Obama – Social Economics 101
/5 Comments/in Video /by newseditorIn this animated video excerpt from the movie, “I want your Money,” we learn why socialism doesn’t work from the Ronald Reagan himself. If you miss this video, you are missing a great treat.