Without Double Standards, Liberals Would Have No Standards at All

Syndicated talk radio host Chris Plante often says on his show “if it weren’t for double-standards then liberals would have no standards at all.” Unfortunately, Plante is right. The increasingly hostile far-left is becoming more and more brazen about their disdain for the rule of law and common standards. This is deeply troubling because even young children are capable of understanding the benefits of rules and common standards. When a group of kids get together and form a club or play a game, they usually agree on a set of “club rules” or the rules of the game before they begin playing. These commonly agreed upon rules prevent cheating and preserve a sense of fairness and equity. By agreeing on “the rules,” kids understand that the winner of the game they are playing will have won on merit and, in the case of the club, all of those agreeing to be members of the club agree to forfeit absolute control over their decisions within the club for a collective decision making process defined by the agreed upon process.

If kids can agree that rules and standards matter, why can’t liberals do the same? How can we continue to move forward as an ideologically-diverse yet ultimately cohesive and respectful nation when one side of this perpetual ideological struggle writes one set of “rules” for itself, and another set of rules for others?

Here are just a few examples of liberal double standards which will shed light on this problem:

1. The Withholding of Federal Tax-Payer Dollars to States and Cities. The recent transgender bathroom battle in North Carolina has emboldened the divisive Obama administration to start yet another fight over what they loosely define as “discrimination.” Putting aside for a moment that women who prefer to use the bathroom with other women are now being defined as “bigots” by the hostile far-left and their wily and calculating White House allies, President Obama outrageously threatened to withhold taxpayer money from taxpayers in North Carolina to make sure that men can use the women’s bathroom. Let’s use logic to walk through their calculation on this issue.

Liberals who supported this since withdrawn Obama administration threat to withhold tax payer money from North Carolina are doing so because they believe that President Obama’s questionable presidential edicts are the “rules” and if North Carolina doesn’t follow “the rules” then the federal government should punish the citizens of North Carolina by keeping their money out of their state. Keep in mind, this entire sad story is based not on a new federal law prohibiting North Carolina from keeping men out of the women’s bathroom which President Obama is enforcing, but an edict from a President who prefers his pen and his phone to law and order. Now, contrast this with the clear cut violations of easy-to-understand federal immigration laws in the many sanctuary cities in the United States. Again, using the liberal’s own standards against them, that the rules matter, then why aren’t the same far-left activists and Obama administration officials pulling tax-payer money from sanctuary cities? If kids can understand the importance of rules then why can’t our liberal friends?

2. Guns vs. Gay Marriage. As our own Daniel Horowitz recently pointed out in his piece titled “D.C. Attorney General Refuses to Issue Gun Permits, Why is He Not in Jail?,” the hypocrisy of far-leftists who celebrated the jailing of Kentucky court clerk Kim Davis for refusing to sign gay marriage certificates is now on full display as they ignore the conduct of Washington D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine. Let’s use logic again to walk through this and demonstrate the far-left’s disrespect for the rules and common standards.

Liberals who celebrated the jailing of Kim Davis did so proclaiming that she is a public servant and that she should do her job and sign the gay marriage certificates in violation of her religious beliefs because, pursuant to the Supreme Court’s decision on gay marriage, those were the rules. And, although the words “gay marriage” are absolutely nowhere to be found anywhere in the Constitution, many liberals were adamant that Davis should follow the rules or go to jail. Now that the shoe is on the other foot regarding an issue liberals oppose on ideological grounds (the right to bear arms which is actually written into the Constitution) , and with Washington D.C. repeatedly losing in federal courts in their efforts to prevent their residents from protecting themselves, I haven’t heard a peep from a liberal calling for any D.C. city official to be jailed for not following the rules.

The reasons for this blatant hypocrisy on the part of liberals is obvious to many who have studied the history of far-left ideology. The far-left cannot exist within a set of rules which limit its power. While conservatives passionately fight to limit the power of government using the Constitution, the far-left insists on erasing any objective standards of conduct for government. The far-left’s core focus has always been acquiring an ends using whatever means necessary to do so. And if reaching an ends means changing the rules or ignoring the rules then so be it. I’m proud to be a conservative because I believe in a set of rules that will limit conservatives in power too from breaking the rules we all agree to live by. Liberals who insist on double-standards and winning the game, while sacrificing the integrity of the game, should hang their heads in shame knowing that they did so only by cheating and throwing their morals out of the window. (For more from the author of “Without Double Standards, Liberals Would Have No Standards at All” please click HERE)

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