After Obama Speaks in Canada, Chant Erupts That Many Will Find Chilling

Wrapping up his final months in office, President Obama made a trip to Canada’s Parliament Wednesday where he delivered a warm speech and praised the close relations between the U.S. and Canada.

The president also had kind words for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, saying his fellow liberal has brought “new energy and hope” to relationships between the two nations.

“My time in office may be nearing an end, but I know that Canada and the world will benefit from your leadership in the years to come,” he said of Trudeau.

Trudeau had earlier introduced Obama by claiming the two had an ongoing “bromance,” remarking, “This House gets to see a bromance up close.”

Obama touched on some more serious matters as well, calling on Canada to carry its own weight internationally and especially in regards to NATO.

“As your NATO ally and your friend, let me say, we’ll be more secure when every NATO member, including Canada, contributes its full share to our common security,” Obama told Parliament. “Because the Canadian Armed Forces are really good. And if I can borrow a phrase, the world needs more Canada. NATO needs more Canada. We need you.”

According to Obama, the world order has become “increasingly strained” due to instability and inequality. He said he expects that “people will push back out of anger; out of fear,” but Obama expressed optimism for the future of market-based liberal economies.

At the conclusion of his speech, Obama was met with thunderous applause and chants of “four more years.”

His visit to Canada marks the first time since 1995 a sitting U.S. leader has visited the government body. Liberal and Conservative lawmakers returned from their summer break to witness Obama’s speech. (For more from the author of “After Obama Speaks in Canada, Chant Erupts That Many Will Find Chilling” please click HERE)

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