Revealed: Three Democrats Attended Private Dinner With Iran’s President and Louis Farrakhan

Three Democratic congressmen attended a private dinner hosted by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in 2013, a new report reveals.

Reps. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, Andre Carson of Indiana and Gregory Meeks of New York attended the private dinner, along with Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-Semite who leads the black supremacist group Nation of Islam.

Iran is the number one state sponsor of terrorism, according to the United States government, which has listed the Islamic Republic as a state sponsor of terror since 1984. Rouhani was in New York for a United Nations meeting and held the dinner party just hours after speaking to the UN General Assembly.

Final Call, a Nation of Islam publication, noted the three Democrats’ attendance at the time and included photos of Ellison and Meeks at the dinner party. But aside from the Final Call article, the three Democrats’ presence at the dinner remained secret until a Wall Street Journal column revealed it on Friday. None of the three congressmen’s offices responded to The Daily Caller’s request for comment for this article. . .

The CBC held a secret meeting with Farrakhan in 2005, where then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama took a smiling picture with the hate group leader. The existence of both the meeting and Obama’s photo with Farrakhan remained secret until last month. A Final Call photographer said he suppressed the photo for 13 years at the CBC’s request, in order to protect Obama’s political career.

(Read more from “Revealed: Three Democrats Attended Private Dinner With Iran’s President and Louis Farrakhan” HERE)

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